Hi Zoltan,

I would check the zone sets carefully to make sure one of the drives isn't
missing out of one of the zones. (One zone per initiator, right?)

Often a tape drive WWNN changes when a drive is replaced, and updating one
of the zones gets skipped.

(Compared to what folks are used to with pSeries/AIX) quality control on
HBA drivers and firmware is also crap. I suggest you (or someone who
manages the platform) go through the BIOS / firmware / driver levels
carefully to be sure any GA or pre-GA code is brought to a known good


Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU <zfor...@vcu.edu>
06/17/2010 08:46 AM
[ADSM-L] Linux Server/OS/lin_tape question/issue
Sent by:
"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU>

Sort of off-topic but related to TSM.

We have an interesting anomaly and hope someone has see this and knows of
the reason for this problem.

All of our TSM servers are RedHat Linux using QLogic fibre cards.

Recently we upgrade our IBM3494 ATL and added 3-TS1130 drives, bringing
the total to 15-drives.

Of the 5-TSM servers, 2-see all 15-drives while the other 3-only see 14.
To make it slightly more challenging, the missing drive is NOT one of the
new ones.  When the server was doing san-discovery/searching the bus, it
simply stops at 14.

All servers are running at least version 1.20 of lin_tape, slightly above
the minimum required for TS1130 support.

Trying to figure out why the 3-servers don't see all drives, one common
denominator is the RH OS level...........they are still RH4.

We thought it might be the lin_tape driver level but of the 2-servers that
see all 15-drives, the lin_tape is still at 1.20, same as the other 3
servers that don't see all 15.

The 2-newest servers that see all 15-drives are RH5.

We are questioning whether it might be related to the QLA drives, not the

Any thoughts?
Zoltan Forray
TSM Software & Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services
zfor...@vcu.edu - 804-828-4807
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