We had a question come up due to some new systems coming online, is IBM continuing to support the Novell platform after the 5.5 version of it's TSM client?
The best I can find on the IBM page says it will be supported with the 5.5 client as long as TSM 6.1 is supported but there's no detailed requirements on it as the link for it comes up with a page error. Document not found when you click on the actual NetWare link next to the client Supported with 5.5-level client * NetWare 6.5 only * Not supported NOTE: 5.5-level client included in 6.1 is supported in use with 6.2-level server for as long as TSM 6.1 is in service http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?rs=663&context=SSGSG7&uid=swg21243309&loc=en_US&cs=utf-8&lang=en#NetWare <http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?rs=663&context=SSGSG7&uid=swg21243309&loc=en_US&cs=utf-8&lang=en#NetWare>