We have following environment OS : Windows 2003 Enterprise R2, x64 SP : Service Pack 2 H/w : IBM Blade Center HS-21 CPU : 2.5GHz (Quad-core) RAM : 16 GB
We have domain environment but this TSM machine we are running on workgroup. (we have already tested it out with domain as well) TSM : 6.2 (x64) on fresh machine. We are having problem in installing 6.2 version. we can successfully install Server, TSM license, TSM devices driver and TSM Admin Center products. We are installing TSM Server and Admin Center on same machine. During the installation of "TSM Instance Configuration Manager" we encountered with following logs with error. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Creating the database manager instance... The database manager instance was created successfully. Formatting the server database... ANR0900I Processing options file C:\TSM\server1\dsmserv.opt. ANR7800I DSMSERV generated at 11:36:20 on May 12 2010. Tivoli Storage Manager for Windows Version 6, Release 2, Level 1.0 Licensed Materials - Property of IBM (C) Copyright IBM Corporation 1990, 2010. All rights reserved. U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corporation. ANR4726I The ICC support module has been loaded. ANR0152I Database manager successfully started. ANR0152I Database manager successfully started. ANR1380I The buffer pool monitor switch is enabled. ANR0992I Server's database formatting complete. ANR0369I Stopping the database manager because of a server shutdown. ANR2976I Offline DB backup for database TSMDB1 started Format completed with return code 499 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trace file : dsmicfgx.trc can be found on following link: http://www.arifhabib.com.pk/downloads/dsmicfgx.trc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- During above activity we checked Event Viewer (Application) and we found following Event ID 4. Event Type: Error Event Source: SERVER1 Event Category: None Event ID: 4 Date: 5/31/2010 Time: 5:46:16 PM User: N/A Computer: AHIML-SRV-TSM Description: 2010-05-31- Instance:SERVER1 Node:000 PID:2400(db2fmp64.exe) TID:2376 Appid:none Health Monitor HealthIndicator::update Probe:500 ADM10500E Health indicator "Monitor Heap Utilization" ("db2.mon_heap_util") breached the "upper" alarm threshold of "95 %" with value "100 %" on "instance" "SERVER1". Calculation: "((db2.mon_heap_cur_size/db2.mon_heap_max_size)*100);" = "((327680 / 327680) * 100)" = "100 %". History (Timestamp, Value, Formula): "()" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If there are any other steps/configuration required during or post installation, please do let us know. Kindly help as we are seriously stucked up and we are unable to run TSM backups in our production site. Regards, [/list] +---------------------------------------------------------------------- |This was sent by yasir.qa...@arifhabib.com.pk via Backup Central. |Forward SPAM to ab...@backupcentral.com. +----------------------------------------------------------------------