Yes, true in both accounts. I'm not even sure at this point how it will be 
presented so journaling might not be an option, unless something has changed. 
The way they are currently presented from the device they are using makes it 
impossible to use it. Restoring, and I have seen the 700GB luns take forever 
when someone has mistakenly blown them up here...don't I don't even 
want to be here if that happens. Well, actually I won't so why would I even 
TwoThumbs BB......

----- Original Message -----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU>
Sent: Wed May 26 18:06:58 2010
Subject: Re: why create a 12TB LUN


As you well know, it isn't the 12TB that's the problem: it's the 40M files 
they're going to put on it!

Actually, I think TSM is the only thing that will be able to backup such a 
thing.  Incremental forever is the only way.  Put Journaling on and it gets 

Now, that's backup.

Forget restoring it!  That won't happen in any reasonable amount of time now 
will it?

Kelly Lipp
Chief Technology Officer
719-266-8777 x7105
STORServer solves your data backup challenges. 
Once and for all.

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [] On Behalf Of Gill, 
Geoffrey L.
Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 2010 5:04 PM
Subject: [ADSM-L] why create a 12TB LUN

I'm guessing many of you will find this quite odd, I know I did, but I
had someone come to me and say they were going to ask for a 12TB LUN and
wanted to back it up. Without even mentioning the product they want to
use, obviously not TSM though, and I'm not even sure it would make
difference, how would you manage to get a 12TB LUN backed up daily. I
would expect it to be at least 75% full if not more, and even without
knowing what percentage of data changes on it, it would seem to me the
request seems strange. They're thinking of getting a VTL and backing up
through fiber direct, not across the network, but no idea which one or
what sort of throughput to expect.


Have any of you been approached with this sort of request and if so what
was your response? I'm sort of dumbfounded at this point since I've not
heard or seen this anywhere.



Geoff Gill 
TSM/PeopleSoft Administrator 


4224 Campus Pt. Ct.

San Diego, CA  92121
(858)826-4062 (office)

(858)412-9883 (blackberry)


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