On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 4:55 PM, Bjoern Rackoll
<bac...@rrz.uni-hamburg.de> wrote:
> Hi Fred,
>> For my users with Unicode files on UNIX clients, I recommend this be added
>> to the startup scripts for the scheduler or CAD:
>> LANG=en_US
>> LC_ALL=en_US
>> export LANG
>> export LC_ALL

My observations indicate that this will work as long as you issue
these commands in your normal login shell and then run dsmcad.
However, if these variable are set in a strartup script upon boot, it
won't work. ANS4042E will continue to be logged in dsmerror.log. (In
fact there is no need to set LC_ALL variable. It's enough to set the
LC_CTYPE and LANG variables only.)

I'd like to hear from anyone who was able make it work and survive reboots.

> I've written some documentation on this at
> http://www.rrz.uni-hamburg.de/serversysteme/unix-server/adsm-backup/benutzung-des-tsm-clients/faq.html
> This page is unfortunately only available in German, but the main points
> are:
> - Try 'locale-gen en_US' as root. Check with 'locale -a' if the required
> locale has been generated.
> - If that doesn't work, add 'en_US ISO-8859-1' to '/etc/locales.gen' and
> proceed as above ('locale-gen en_US').
> After completing these tasks, don't forget to restart the TSM scheduler. :-)

AFAIK, there is no /etc/locales.gen and locale-gen in SLES or RHEL.
The two major Linuxes for with the TSM client is produced and

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