Does this do what you want? tsm: ULTSM>q script q_stgsum f=l
Name Line Command Number ---------- ------ ------------------------------------------------------------ Q_STGSUM 1 select stgpool_name, - 5 devclass, - 10 maxscratch, - 15 numscratchused, - 20 cast(maxscratch-numscratchused as decimal(4,0)) as "SCR_AVAIL" - 25 from stgpools - 30 where stgpool_name like '%VTL' - 35 order by devclass,stgpool_name >>> "Lee, Gary D." <> 4/6/2010 3:10 PM >>> Tsm server 5.5.4 running on suse 9 linux under zvm 5.3. Trying to create a query which will give me the count of volumes in a storage pool, and its maxscratch setting on a single line. Nice to watch for filling pools which need a larger maxscratch value. Query follows: --------------- select a.stgpool_name as "Storage Pool Name", - a.devclass as "Device Class Name", - count( b.volume_name) as " # VOLUMES", - a.maxscratch as "volumes available" - from stgpools a, volumes b - where a.devclass <>'DISK' - and a.devclass = b.devclass_name - group by a.stgpool_name, a.devclass --------- query ends. ------------ Thanks for any help. Gary Lee Senior System Programmer Ball State University phone: 765-285-1310