   Was there an error to indicate why the archive failed?  Or did it
seem to complete successfully?  If so, is it possible that you have
compression turned on at the client, through the client setting, or the
client options?  If so, it is not too surprising that a 76GB file could
compress down to 18GB.

Best Regards,

John D. Schneider
The Computer Coaching Community, LLC
Office: (314) 635-5424 / Toll Free: (866) 796-9226
Cell: (314) 750-8721

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [ADSM-L] Archive completed but not big enough.
From: Timothy Hughes <timothy.hug...@oit.state.nj.us>
Date: Tue, April 06, 2010 8:39 am

Hello all,

We did a Archive and it only Archived 18.15GB it should have Archived
76.6 GB, I am going to delete the Archive and try again.

Question - By deleting the filespace via command line or GUI that should
get rid of the data that was archived correct?


99 DELETE FILESPACE Deleting file space * (fsId=1) (backup/archive
data) for node ADOCGWC_10-16-09: 49344

Thanks in Advance!

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