Try these:

select distinct node_name as "Node Name       ",filespace_name as "Filespace
Name                    ",class_name as "Management Class Name" from backups
where TYPE='FILE' group by node_name,filespace_name,class_name

Node Name              Filespace Name                         Management
Class Name
------------------     ----------------------------------
TSMCLI01               /                                      DEFAULT
TSMCLI01               /home                                  DEFAULT
TSMCLI01               /opt                                   DEFAULT
TSMCLI01               /tmp                                   DEFAULT
TSMCLI01               /tsm                                   DEFAULT
TSMCLI01               /usr                                   DEFAULT
TSMCLI01               /var                                   DEFAULT
TSMCLI01               /wn001                                 DEFAULT

and the same for the archives table

you could always use the ~where node_name='HMPG1018'~ to limit the output to
just that node

select distinct node_name,filespace_name,class_name from backups group by

will show you everything, including directory information...

------------------     ------------------     ------------------
TSMCLI01               /                      B7.3_R35.95_A370_-
TSMCLI01               /                      DEFAULT
TSMCLI01               /home                  B7.3_R35.95_A370_-
TSMCLI01               /home                  DEFAULT
TSMCLI01               /wn001                 B7.3_R35.95_A370_-
TSMCLI01               /wn001                 DEFAULT

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [] On Behalf Of
Moyer, Joni M
Sent: Tuesday, March 02, 2010 2:21 PM
Subject: [ADSM-L] How to find what management class is used per node


I was just wondering if anyone knows a script that I can run to find out
what management class is utilized by node hmpg1018?  Would I need to run:
select * from backups where node_name='HMPG1018'?

Thanks in advance for any help!!!!

Joni Moyer
Storage Administrator III

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