
in the maintenance section, there is a full dist of the 5.5 ac. BTW the 6.1 
version support both 5.5 and 5.4 servers, and actually resembles an useable 

On 23 feb 2010, at 20:38, Howard Coles wrote:

> Gents, I'm running into an issue.  I need the AdminCenter for 5.5 for
> AIX.  The Passport download apparently is only for Windows, as the
> "startInstall.sh" file the docs refer to cannot be found after expanding
> the C17AMML.exe file I downloaded.   I have the ISC install media, but I
> can't find the AdminCenter for AIX or Linux (either would work at this
> point). 
> I'm just drawing a blank here as to where / how to get it.  I had the
> physical media at one time, but can't locate it now.
> See Ya'
> Howard Coles Jr.
> Sr. Systems Engineer
> (615) 296-3416
> John 3:16!

Met vriendelijke groeten/Kind Regards,

Remco Post
+31 6 248 21 622

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