Hello everyone,

I would like to find all tapes that are within the storage pool TAPE_NDMP that 
are associated with datamover NAS_SERVER_2_5YR and the filespace name of 
/root_vdm_4/HMCH1015_E_bkup.  I ran the following select statement, but it is 
not returning any volumes.  Any suggestions?  Just let me know.  Thanks!
select distinct volume_name,node_name,filespace_name from volumeusage where 
filespace_name='/root_vdm_4/HMCH1015_E*' and stgpool_name='TAPE_NDMP' order by 

Here is the contents of tape N02497 which shows the node name and filespace 
name that I am looking for, but the above is not showing anything...
Node Name        Type  Filespace   FSID  Client's Name for File
---------------  ----  ----------  ----  --------------------------------------
NAS_SERVER_2_5-  Bkup  /reposito-    85  /NAS/ IMAGE
 YR                     ry_bkup
NAS_SERVER_2_5-  Bkup  /root_vdm-    88  /NAS/ IMAGE
 YR                     _4/HMCH1-

Joni Moyer
Storage Administrator III

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