Hello I've got some objects in my database that points to a volume that does not exist anymore but TSM still think it does.... and that gives me a lot of errors when I'm running expiration An audit of the DB would solve these problem but the db is too big to do that in a reasonable time.
An example: tsm: PROD-ADSM3>show bfo 0 10554579 Bitfile Object: 0.10554579 Active **Archival Bitfile Entry Bitfile Type: PRIMARY Storage Format: 9 Bitfile Size: 0.46143257 Number of Segments: 1 Storage Pool ID: 12 Volume ID: 88522 Volume Name: 007667 **Archival Bitfile Entry Bitfile Type: COPY Storage Format: 9 Bitfile Size: 0.46143257 Number of Segments: 1 Storage Pool ID: -3 Volume ID: 38548 Volume Name: *unknown* **Archival Bitfile Entry Bitfile Type: COPY Storage Format: 9 Bitfile Size: 0.46143257 Number of Segments: 1 Storage Pool ID: -4 Volume ID: 75933 Volume Name: 006267 The pool -3 is an old copypool (bunkercopy), which doesn't exist anymore. Trying to run makedamaged: tsm: PROD-ADSM3>makedamaged 0 10554579 ANR2022E MAKEDAMAGED: One or more parameters are missing. ANS8001I Return code 3. tsm: PROD-ADSM3>makedamaged -3 0 10554579 Pool -3 is not Defined. ANS8001I Return code 11. tsm: PROD-ADSM3>makedamaged bunkercopy 0 10554579 Pool BUNKERCOPY is not Defined. ANS8001I Return code 11. Makedamaged command wants you to specify the storagepool for the object, does anyone know another way to mark the object damaged? There's not so much documentation about makedamaged.... Med vänlig hälsning Niklas Lundström Niklas Lundström Storage Administrator Swedbank AB (publ) 105 34 Stockholm Telefon: +46 (0)8 5859 5164 Mobil: +46 (0)70 24 76 345 Vi ber dig lägga märke till att detta e-postmeddelande kan innehålla konfidentiell information. Om du felaktigt blivit mottagare av detta meddelande ber vi dig informera avsändaren om felet genom att använda svara-funktionen. Vi ber dig också att radera e-postmeddelandet utan att skicka det vidare eller kopiera det. Trots att vi intygar att e-postmeddelandet och eventuella bilagor inte innehåller virus och andra fel som kan påverka datorn eller IT-systemet där det mottages och läses, öppnas det på mottagarens eget ansvar. Vi tar inte på oss något ansvar för förlust eller skada, som har uppstått i samband med att e-postmeddelandet mottagits och använts. _________________________________________________________________________________ Please note that this message may contain confidential information. If you have received this message by mistake, please inform the sender of the mistake by sending a reply, then delete the message from your system without making, distributing or retaining any copies of it. Although we believe that the message and any attachment are free from viruses and other errors that might affect the computer or IT system where it is received and read, the recipient opens the message at his or her own risk. We assume no responsibility for any loss or damage arising from the receipt or use of this message.