Hi Richard, Sorry....I accidentally hit the send before finishing the email....
The import process (preview=yes) ends successfully but does not show the data it would copy if it was for real....it processed only 2 itens.....what about all data from the exported node? In this particular case, an Archive.... ANR0635I IMPORT NODE: Processing node SRV00014 in domain FLATFILE. (SESSION: 13, PROCESS: 4) ANR2034E QUERY NODE: No match found using this criteria. (SESSION: 13, PROCESS: 4) ANR0616I IMPORT NODE: Preview processing completed successfully. (SESSION: 13, PROCESS: 4) ANR0620I IMPORT NODE: Copied 0 domain(s). (SESSION: 13, PROCESS: 4) ANR0621I IMPORT NODE: Copied 0 policy sets. (SESSION: 13, PROCESS: 4) ANR0622I IMPORT NODE: Copied 0 management classes. (SESSION: 13, PROCESS: 4) ANR0623I IMPORT NODE: Copied 0 copy groups. (SESSION: 13, PROCESS: 4) ANR0624I IMPORT NODE: Copied 0 schedules. (SESSION: 13, PROCESS: 4) ANR0625I IMPORT NODE: Copied 0 administrators. (SESSION: 13, PROCESS: 4) ANR0891I IMPORT NODE: Copied 1 optionset definitions. (SESSION: 13, PROCESS: 4) ANR0626I IMPORT NODE: Copied 1 node definitions. (SESSION: 13, PROCESS: 4) ANR0627I IMPORT NODE: Copied 0 file spaces 0 archive files, 0 backup files, and 0 space managed files. (SESSION: 13, PROCESS: 4) ANR0629I IMPORT NODE: Copied 638 bytes of data. (SESSION: 13, PROCESS: 4) ANR1364I Input volume 000052L3 closed. (SESSION: 13, PROCESS: 4) ANR0515I Process 4 closed volume 000052L3. (SESSION: 13, PROCESS: 4) ANR0611I IMPORT NODE started by ADMIN as process 4 has ended. (SESSION: 13, PROCESS: 4) ANR0986I Process 4 for IMPORT NODE running in the BACKGROUND processed 2 items for a total of 638 bytes with a completion state of SUCCESS at 16:19:06. (SESSION: 13, PROCESS: 4) ...neither the node nor the policy exists on the target server....so I guess the import should create it all..... What could be missing? Mario ________________________________ From: Richard Sims <r...@bu.edu> To: ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU Sent: Wed, January 27, 2010 5:12:03 PM Subject: Re: IMPORT not working On Jan 27, 2010, at 1:48 PM, Mario Behring wrote: > it ends successfully but shows no No...what? Did you intend that the preview not include Filedata?