On Dec 25, 2009, at 3:08 AM, William ZHANG wrote:

> Again,
> I want to add a archive copy group for archiving files to retain 3 years.
> So, see manual, but donot fully understand.
> If I should input:
> Tsm:> define copygroup DOM_SRV SET_SRV MC_90DAYS type=archive
>       Dest=LTO3_ARCH_SRV retver=1095 retmin=1095
> Will this command rewrite my policyset and copygroup: SET_SRV MC_90DAYS?

A copygroup has two "sides": Backup and Archive.  You should always assure that 
both have desired settings, as clients may happen to use both, though you 
expect them to just do backups.

There is seldom a need to define a new policy set.  Once a copygroup is 
updated, validate the policyset, then activate it.

> Or I need define a new policyset in DOM_SRV for archive copygroup?
> tsm:>q copygroup   (seams there is no archive copygroup in my DOM_SRV)

What do you see when you do 'help query copygroup'?  ;-)

  Richard Sims

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