Thanks for the info.

The tsm server has nothing in the actlog during the time frames of the
errors for this node.  It DOES
have sessions being started for other nodes.  That's why I'm thinking it's
a DNS/network problem.

Per suggestions . . .I'm putting together a little script to do tests every
60s for ping, nslookup, traceroute.



             Anders Räntilä                                                
             OM>                                                        To 
             Sent by: "ADSM:           ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU                
             Dist Stor                                                  cc 
             <ads...@vm.marist                                     Subject 
             .EDU>                     SV: [ADSM-L] What IP address does   
                                       the Client use to contact the       
             12/23/2009 10:45                                              
             Please respond to                                             
             "ADSM: Dist Stor                                              


> q)  Is there some way to get the BA client to list the IP address

>     it's trying to use?

It is using  From inside tsm you can't see what ip# it
resolves to, but here are a few other methods:



           Or start a dsmc session (try to start at least) and use

           netstat -an | grep 1800

If you don't trust your name service you can use "tcpserveraddress  ip#"

BUT: "Session rejected" looks like the client talks to the operating system
on the machine that runs the TSM server, but the server isn't answering on
the port (1800).  The server may be down, or you have reached the  maximum
number of sessions. (hint: q status).

Merry Christmas

Anders Räntilä

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