
Thanks , can you tell me what you have for TSM copygroup settings

----- Original Message -----
From: "Grigori Solonovitch" <>
Sent: Friday, December 18, 2009 10:22 PM
Subject: Re: tsm tdp oracle rman backups

Hello Tim,
I see "RMAN retention policy is set to redundancy 3" in provided log.
This means that you requested RMAN to provide a possibility to
restore/recover database for only 3 last days. In my opinion, this value is
too low. I have full backup every 2 weeks and daily incremental backups
between full baqckups. Retention policy is set to redundancy 31. As a
result, I can restore database to any point in time for the last month. Note
that amount of data is only a little more than for your case, because I am
keeping only 3 full backups like you.
By the way, everything is correct if 3 days is your target and you are
running full backup every night. It does not matter how many additional
incremental backups you are performing every day and which level. RMAN will
keep last 3 full backups and all incremental backups between them.
Incremetal backups between full backups can only reduce recovery time,
because it is much faster to restore incremental backup than to restore and
apply appropriate archived redo logs. At the same, tine it means RMAN will
expire one full backup and all incrementals between this full backup and
next one every day.

For example, If you have:

15/12/2009 Full Backup
15/12/2009 Incremental backup level 1
16/12/2009 Full Backup
16/12/2009 Incremental backup level 1
16/12/2009 Incremental backup level 2
16/12/2009 Incremental backup level 1
17/12/2009 Full Backup
17/12/2009 Incremental backup level 1
17/12/2009 Incremental backup level 1
18/12/2009 Full Backup

If you run:

19/12/2009 Full Backup
19/12/2009 Expire Inventory

all next backups:

15/12/2009 Full Backup
15/12/2009 Incremental backup level 1

will be removed definately, because they are not required more to be able to
restore for requested 3 days:

16/12/2009 Full Backup
16/12/2009 Incremental backup level 1
16/12/2009 Incremental backup level 2
16/12/2009 Incremental backup level 1
17/12/2009 Full Backup
17/12/2009 Incremental backup level 1
17/12/2009 Incremental backup level 1
18/12/2009 Full Backup
19/12/2009 Full Backup

Of course, I suppose you have correct setting for related copy group for
your case, at least 0 0 4 4.

Kindets regards,

From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [] On Behalf Of Tim Brown
Sent: Friday, December 18, 2009 11:46 PM
Subject: [ADSM-L] tsm tdp oracle rman backups

Anyone performing full and incrmental backups of Oracle

We run a level 0 on Friday night and a combination of level 1's and 2's
the othter nights.

We just started inc backups, prior to that we were doing fulls each night.

We would run a delete obsolete rman command after the full backps to keep 3
This wasnt changed when we went to incremental. I noticed in one of the log
this morning that rman deleted one the backup pieces created during the
level 0 backup

I dont think this should be the case. If we wanted to restore the level 0 we
would be missing files

What are the optimum RMAN retention policies and TSM retention policies for

They must be different between using always full backups or a combination of
full and inc

RMAN retention policy will be applied to the command
RMAN retention policy is set to redundancy 3
Deleting the following obsolete backups and copies:
Type                 Key    Completion Time    Filename/Handle
-------------------- ------ ------------------ --------------------
Backup Set           31844  12-DEC-09
 Backup Piece       31844  12-DEC-09          df_705420601_31958_1  <=full
Backup Set           32011  15-DEC-09
 Backup Piece       32011  15-DEC-09          bul0ucfs_1_1   <== inc
deleted backup piece
backup piece handle=df_705420601_31958_1 recid=31844 stamp=705420603
deleted backup piece
backup piece handle=bul0ucfs_1_1 recid=32011 stamp=705638909
Deleted 2 objects

Tim Brown
Systems Specialist - Project Leader
Central Hudson Gas & Electric
284 South Ave
Poughkeepsie, NY 12601
Email: <>
Phone: 845-486-5643
Fax: 845-486-5921
Cell: 845-235-4255

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