..........when using a V6.1 server. I just stumbled upon a new issue with a V6.1 server.
As you recall, in my current saga of the trials-and-tribulations of attempting to restore a large backup/volume (F: drive) to a Windows client (20M+ files), I found that I can not do a NQR since I must process inactive files since most everything on this volume has gone MIA. One other volume (G: drive) is fine but still needs to be restored since both volumes are in an array that needs to be wiped/restored. Over a month ago, I had attempted to move this nodes backups to my V6.1 TSM server, only to have the V6.1 system crash numerous times just during the export/import process. Also, the server crashed numerous times just trying to perform incremental backups for this client machine. So, in disgust, I returned this node to the 5.5 server and the backups ran normally. Since this time, the 6.1 server has been upgrade to but I never went back. Yesterday, I decided to try to perform an NQR from the old backups for this node, using the server, since those backups, while old, are all active. This way, I would also be able to figure out where the majority of the files are so when I went back to the 5.5 server to restore to a more current date, I would have some idea of what directories to process in small chunks. Well, this has not been going very well and brings out another issue with V6.1 servers. When I restored the G: drive using the 5.5 server and NQR, the restores started to flow after about 3-5 minutes, allowing for tape mounts and such. Went rather well, especially with 5-restore streams and 500GB+/27M objects. With the 6.1 server and the F: drive NQR (also upgrade the client to the latest, from the time I clicked on restore to when the restores actually started, has been over 4-hours. No tape activity.....no session activity.........nothing........... So, what has the TSM server been doing for the past 4-hours?