You might also want to check out some Wiki articles on AC migration from 5.5 to 6.1 +of+TSM+ISC+AC+accounts%2C+groups+and+permissions+from+TSM+ISC+AC+5.5+to +6.1 +Center+ISC+and+WebSphere+version+requirements+and+displayed+versions Carol Trible IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Development Erwann Simon it <> Hi John, Beginning with TSM 6.1, ISC is now bundled with AC. There is a single install package sor eWAS, ISC and Admin Center you can download there : Note that Admin Center 6.1 can coexist with Admin Center 5.5 : install folder and tcp ports used are different. See "migration" chapter in the the install guide. -- Best regards / Cordialement / مع تحياتي Erwann SIMON Le 10/12/2009 22:37, John D. Schneider a écrit : > I suspect this is going to be a boneheaded question, but that never > stopped me before, so here goes: > > The online TSM 6.1 installation manual contains the following > statements: > > Note: The Administration Center Version 6.1 is only compatible with the > Integrated Solutions Console Advanced Edition Version 7.1. If you > currently have downlevel versions of the Administration Center and > Integrated Solutions Console installed, you must upgrade both. > > > I went looking for ISC on Passport advantage, and it doesn't seem to be > there. The Adminstration Center is there, but not ISC. I found ISC on > the IBM software FTP site containing the TSM 6.1 software, but it only > has ISC up to 5.5. > > Can anybody tell me where ISC Advanced Edition Version 7.1 can be found? > Or is the manual incorrect, and ISC 5.5 is the correct version? > > > Best Regards, > > John