<quote> I am a newbie here so please excuse my stupid question. I've been searching in the IBM.com site but couldn't find anything straight. I found however, an excel spreadsheet ((October09-Tivoli-Platform-Support-Matrix-1.xls) ) where one can do a search and under tab "OS Support" at GJ657 the junction for Sybase under Itanium for Tivoli Manager for Sybase has nothing. Does it mean that TSM has nothing to do with Sybase under Itanium? If so, what other backup platform would you suggest to try? </quote>
My guess is that you're right. If you're curious as to why, I'd say this: 1. Sybase market share (getting smaller every day) 2. Itanium market share (smaller than they hoped it would be) 3. Market share of customers with both Sybase & Itanium (look in the mirror) OK, number 3 is not that bad, but that is how these things go. Companies develop to trends and market share. Itanium/Sybase customers are neither. Hope that doesn't sound TOO harsh. I'm a blunt kind of guy. ;) +---------------------------------------------------------------------- |This was sent by wcplis...@gmail.com via Backup Central. |Forward SPAM to ab...@backupcentral.com. +----------------------------------------------------------------------