The TSM developers are actually considering making dedupe for tape available some time in the future, for long term archiving purposes with little restores it could be a very usefull.
And Wanda, diskpool dedupe doesn't make any sense because it is made for short term storage of data (let's say 1-2 day's max), deduping and than reduping the data when offloading to tape would be a bit silly. Regards, Stefan -----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- Van: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [] Namens Mehdi Salehi Verzonden: zaterdag 7 november 2009 16:35 Aan: ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU Onderwerp: Re: [ADSM-L] de-dup on tapes Thanks Wanda, I agree that is it sensible not to have de-dupe on tapes because pointers force to go backward and forward through the cartridge(s), so it is inefficient. What I don't understand is why type=file (which is similar to tapes in nature) supports de-dup, but disk (random access) does not? Thanks