Gary, The way we backup MS clusters in our environment is very similar to Grigori's procedure. Every node in the cluster backs up its own local resources under its own TSM Central Scheduler; for the sake of organization, you could create a separate node under the Cluster Manager name to backup only the share resources (no need to backup the quorum!!). While configuring the TSM Central Scheduler for the Cluster Manager node, we add "clusternode yes" in the dsm.opt.
BERTAUT TCHUISE TSM/NetApp Storage Administrator Legg Mason Technology Services *410-580-7032 -----Original Message----- From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [] On Behalf Of Grigori Solonovitch Sent: Thursday, October 22, 2009 2:38 PM To: ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] Ms windows cluster and tsm questions Hello Gary, You can use TSM backups for the both active/passive and active Windows clusters. We are using a few Windows 2003 clusters. In general, you need: 1) configure sepatate TSM nodes for each server in cluster to backup not-clustered drives (usually C: and, sometimes, D:) with original Windows server TCP/IP addresses; 2) configure separate TSMnodes for each cluster resource group with cluster TCP/IP address or addreses, if a few are used; 3) configure separate dsmxxxx.opt for each node. Standard dsm.opt can be used to backup not clustered drives. Other dsmxxx.opt have to be kept on the same network drives, where resource group is allocated, to move them to another node together with other resources. In addition, they have to be configured for cluster node (additional check in setup wizard); 4) configure separate TSM Schedulers for each of nodes and resource group, attached to appropriate dsmxxxx.opt. Windows server shedulers, attached to standard dsm.opt, are starting automatically like on single server. Schedulers for resource groups have to be configured as cluster resources and have to be started by cluster and controled by cluster during failover; 5) optional, configure separate WEB clients for each TSM node. By the way, it is possible to use only one. If additional information is still required, try to serch in Internet. I have found very good document for TSM Windows cluster there. Unfortunately, we have weekend now hire in Kuwait an dI can provide you this document only on Sunday. In any case, it is possible to configure TSM on correct way and have stable and reliable backups for servers (we are using TBMR from Cristie for disaster recovery) and allresource groups. We faced some problems only with VSS backups for system image, but they are usual and not crusial. Good luck, Grigori ________________________________________ From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [] On Behalf Of Lee, Gary D. [] Sent: Thursday, October 22, 2009 8:37 PM To: ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU Subject: [ADSM-L] Ms windows cluster and tsm questions Looking for experiences, dos, don'ts, etc. for using tsm to back up a ms windows cluster. I've read the sections in the v6.1 client manual, but know little or nothing about microsoft clustering. This is strictly a standard BA client setup, sql or exchange clients not involved. I've been asked about how feassable and workable tsm backups are in a cluster environment. Any and all help welcome. Gary Lee Senior System Programmer Ball State University phone: 765-285-1310 Please consider the environment before printing this Email. "This email message and any attachments transmitted with it may contain confidential and proprietary information, intended only for the named recipient(s). If you have received this message in error, or if you are not the named recipient(s), please delete this email after notifying the sender immediately. BKME cannot guarantee the integrity of this communication and accepts no liability for any damage caused by this email or its attachments due to viruses, any other defects, interception or unauthorized modification. The information, views, opinions and comments of this message are those of the individual and not necessarily endorsed by BKME." IMPORTANT: E-mail sent through the Internet is not secure. Legg Mason therefore recommends that you do not send any confidential or sensitive information to us via electronic mail, including social security numbers, account numbers, or personal identification numbers. Delivery, and or timely delivery of Internet mail is not guaranteed. Legg Mason therefore recommends that you do not send time sensitive or action-oriented messages to us via electronic mail. This message is intended for the addressee only and may contain privileged or confidential information. Unless you are the intended recipient, you may not use, copy or disclose to anyone any information contained in this message. If you have received this message in error, please notify the author by replying to this message and then kindly delete the message. Thank you.