Hello Christian,
We have TSM Client 5.5.1 and TBMR 6.1.1 with TSM Server 5.5.X for quite long 
time. Everything is working fine, but we are planning to use de-duplication 
provided by TSM Server/Client 6.1. TBMR 6.1.1 is not compatible with TSM Client 
6.1 and we need to upgrade the both TSM Client to 6.1.0 and TBMR to 6.2.1 as a 
preparation for TSM Server upgrade to 6.1.2.
So I couldn't follow your suggestion about "query inclexcl" without TBMR. 
SYSTEMSTATE has been increased after upgrading the both TSM Client and TBMR.
By the way, I am going to run "query inclexcl" from dsmc on both servers - with 
old and upgraded to compare.
Any other idea?

Grigori G. Solonovitch

Senior Technical Architect

Information Technology  Bank of Kuwait and Middle East  http://www.bkme.com

Phone: (+965) 2231-2274  Mobile: (+965) 99798073  E-Mail: g.solonovi...@bkme.com

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-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ads...@vm.marist.edu] On Behalf Of 
Christian Svensson
Sent: Sunday, September 27, 2009 3:38 PM
Subject: [ADSM-L] SV: Differnce between TSM Client 5.5.1 and 6.1.0

Hi Grigori,
Compare "q inclexcl' command from a installation without TBMR and with TBMR.
If I don't remember wrong when I invented and develop TBMR, we needed to modify 
the registry so TSM BA Client did backup more then default.
I haven't been part of development team since Oct 2008 so I can't say what's 
really have been change the last couple of releases accept that TBMR 6.2.1 use 
the 6.1 TSM Client to restore the data.

But the reason of you most upgrade the TSM BA Client to 6.1 to use TBMR is 
something I wonder if you really need to do.
Who told you that and why?

Best Regards
Christian Svensson

Cell: +46-70-325 1577
E-mail: christian.svens...@cristie.se
Skype: cristie.christian.svensson
Från: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [ads...@vm.marist.edu] för Grigori 
Solonovitch [g.solonovi...@bkme.com]
Skickat: den 27 september 2009 08:18
Ämne: Differnce between TSM Client 5.5.1 and 6.1.0

Dear TSM Admins,
I have found one a little bit strange thing. I have Windows 2003 servers in 
each branch with the same hardware and software.
We are using TSM Client to backup these servers for a long time. With TSM 
Client 5.5.1 we have approximately the same status for all the branches.
We have started process to upgrade TSM Client to version 6.1.0 to be able to 
use TBMR 6.2.1 for disaster recovery. After upgrading a few branches I have 
found that much more space is required for server backups.
Number of files for SYSTEMSTATE and, of course, required amount of data has 
been increased twice:

MALL360BR   Bkup  MALL360BR\SystemState\NULL\SystemState\SystemState  1     
BRANCHES          47,464      4,919.71      4,919.71
RIGGABR       Bkup  RIGGABR\SystemState\NULL\SystemState\SystemState     1     
BRANCHES          93,513      9,806.17      9,806.17

What could be a reason? Include/Exclude list in dsm.opt is exactly the same.
Thank you very much in advance.

Grigori G. Solonovitch

Senior Technical Architect

Information Technology  Bank of Kuwait and Middle East  http://www.bkme.com

Phone: (+965) 2231-2274  Mobile: (+965) 99798073  E-Mail: 

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