Looking at the schedule, you need a name for my exhibitor session:
"Trimming Junk Storage", Lindsay Morris.
Is this my only speaking slot? I thought I had an hour on Monday or
Tuesday also. Do I?
Lindsay Morris
TSMworks, Inc.
On Jun 16, 2009, at 6:49 AM, Claus Kalle <ka...@uni-koeln.de> wrote:
Dear TSM 2009 interests,
as you may know, the TSM symposium 2009 will take place at the
Grandhotel Petersberg located near Bonn, the former capital of
in the Koeln/Bonn bay area from 27.-30.09.2009.
Although many of you will have already registered for participation,
today I may remind the others that the time-window for
REGISTRATION is CLOSING end of June, because we have to claim room
contingents in time and continue preparing for the event.
After 30th June you will eventually not be able to register for the
event any longer, so act now!
So if you consider going to TSM 2009, look at the preliminary program
under "Program" among much more information on that server and go
Topics covered: TSM6.1 features/experiences, TSM roadmap&future, TSM
functions in real and virtual environments, TSM user experiences:
NDMP, Exchange, ...
Speakers include
- Tom O'Brien: TSM product manager
- Dave Cannon: TSM chief architect
- Colin Dawson: TSM 6.1 server development lead responsible for DB2
- Jim Smith: TSM client architect
- Oliver Augenstein: Development lead for TSM for ERP and TSM for
Advanced Copy Services
- Stefan Bender: Development lead for TSM for Space Management and HSM
for Windows
- Kurt Gerecke, IBM Germany
- Professor Gerhard Schneider
- User prespective reports from CERN, INFN, JVNC/FZJülich, RWTH Aach
en, ...
Enrollment/Registration subpages are ready to be used to register
("Registration") right away.
Thank you very much for your kind attention. Please excuse any
mailings at this time.
Claus Kalle, Universitaet zu Koeln, RRZK i i
Leiter Abteilung Systeme I I
E-Mail: ka...@uni-koeln.de M M
Fon: 0221 478 5580 /IIIII\
Fax: 0221 478 86845 MiMiMiM
Snail-Mail: Robert-Koch-Str. 10, 50931 Koeln MIMiMiM