For us we back up a combination of millions of little text files
(anywhere from ~500 bytes to ~500kB), and somewhat larger TIFF images
(3-7MB). The smaller text files can fit onto a single block on tape and
compress far better in hardware than in software because there's
similarities between files. The TIFF images don't compress at all using
either scheme, so we stick with hardware compression.
Stefan Holzwarth wrote:
> I'm a big fan of compression at the client side!
> Compression at the client could even give you better performance.
> It depends on the data and your environment.
> Some pro's for client side compression:
> Disk Storage pools at TSM server are more effective because there is more 
> space
> Only option if you have no tapes with hardware compression
> Less IO at the TSM server (backup copypool, migration, reclamation)
> Most CPUs in physical servers are underutilized and very powerful
> Less network bandwidth needed (some of the possible bottlenecks)
> We have very good experience with SQL TDP compression rates
> Regards
> Stefan Holzwarth
>> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
>> Von: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [] Im 
>> Auftrag von Skylar Thompson
>> Gesendet: Sonntag, 20. September 2009 06:25
>> Betreff: Re: Some advice about compression=yes to perform IMAGE backup
>> admbackup wrote:
>>> Hi.
>>> I am need some advice about using compression=yes for image backups
>>> I need to perform image backups of mulitple disks on a 
>> windows 2008 server.  Most of them have like 1.45T of size.
>>> We are running out of tapes and I was thinking in using 
>> compression.  I know that it is recommended to set 
>> compressalways=yes on the TSM server when using compression, 
>> but I am not using compression for all the backups.  Is this 
>> parameter transparent for the client servers that dont use 
>> compression=yes?
>>> Also, how recommended is using compression for image 
>> backups??  I know that it is going to increasse the time that 
>> the backup takes but I have a lot of time windows to perform 
>> those image backups (All the weekend)
>> What kind of tapes do you use? You should probably stick with hardware
>> compression if you can. Remember to not only think of the 
>> amount of time
>> the backup takes, but the amount of time the restore is going to take.
>> Hardware compression is going to take buy you performance, 
>> but software
>> compression is going to lose you performance.
>> --
>> -- Skylar Thompson (
>> -- Genome Sciences Department, System Administrator
>> -- Foege Building S048, (206)-685-7354
>> -- University of Washington School of Medicine

-- Skylar Thompson (
-- Genome Sciences Department, System Administrator
-- Foege Building S048, (206)-685-7354
-- University of Washington School of Medicine

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