I'm trying to setup a linux node to backup only the /u05/Archive directory with 
encryption enabled.  Here's how I have it set up in the dsm.sys file:

SErvername attic
COMMMethod TCPip
TCPPort 1500
TCPServeraddress attic.cac.washington.edu
ENCRYPTKEY         save
PasswordAccess Generate
nodename bklinuxtest

Domain /

EXCLUDE "/.../*"
Include.Encryption "/u05/Archive/.../*"

When the backup runs, no files actually get backed up.  From what I can tell, 
my exclude statement is the only thing getting honored.  TSM seems to just 
ignore the include.encrypt line.  I tried adding a include.backup line as such:

EXCLUDE "/.../*"
Include.Encryption "/u05/Archive/.../*"
Include.backup "/u05/Archive/.../*"

When the backup ran with this configuration the files in /u05/Archive were 
backed up, but the from what I can see, weren't encrypted.  I tested this by 
moving the /etc/adsm/TSM.PWD file and attempting a restore, which was 

Can anyone see where am I going wrong here?  Does TSM not process 
include.encrypt statements the same way it process other include statements?


Brian Kunst
Storage Administrator
UW Technology

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