
I have set only one tape pool (LTO-2) and every day I erase the cartridge for 
the day and I migrate the disk pool to the cartridge of the day. I have some 

1. I start the migration with the command (the are about 140-150 GB dayly full 
backups in the pool an it migrates for 1-2 hours)

MIGRATE STGPOOL DISKPOOL lo=0 duration=240 wait=no

But it began to dismount the current cartridge before ending the migration for 
apparently no reason. The cartridge stays FILLING and about 30% full. It asked 
for Mondays cartridge ?

09/09/2009 14:05:22   ANR2017I Administrator ADMIN issued command: MIGRATE      
                       STGPOOL DISKPOOL lo=0 duration=240 wait=no  (SESSION:    
09/09/2009 14:05:22   ANR0984I Process 58 for MIGRATION started in the          
                       BACKGROUND at 14:05:22. (SESSION: 4450, PROCESS: 58)     
09/09/2009 14:05:22   ANR2110I MIGRATE STGPOOL started as process 58.           
                      (SESSION: 4450, PROCESS: 58)                              
09/09/2009 14:05:22   ANR1000I Migration process 58 started for storage pool    
                       DISKPOOL manually, highMig=95, lowMig=0,                 
                       (SESSION: 4450, PROCESS: 58)                             
09/09/2009 14:05:22   ANR0609I MIGRATE STGPOOL started as process 58.           
                        (SESSION: 4450, PROCESS: 58)                            
09/09/2009 14:05:22   ANR8326I 025: Mount LTO volume SCRTCH R/W in drive        
                       GENDRV_0.0.6 (mt6.0.0.6) of library LTOLIB1 within 60    
                       minutes. (SESSION: 4450, PROCESS: 58)                    
09/09/2009 14:05:38   ANR8328I 025: LTO volume TUE001 mounted in drive          
                       GENDRV_0.0.6 (mt6.0.0.6). (SESSION: 4450, PROCESS:       
09/09/2009 14:05:47   ANR1340I Scratch volume TUE001 is now defined in          
                       pool LTOPOOL1. (SESSION: 4450, PROCESS: 58)              
09/09/2009 14:06:04   ANR0513I Process 58 opened output volume TUE001.          
                (SESSION: 4450, PROCESS: 58)                                    
09/09/2009 14:55:44   ANR2841W Server is NOT IN COMPLIANCE with license         
09/09/2009 15:04:36   ANR0515I Process 58 closed volume TUE001. (SESSION:       
                        4450, PROCESS: 58)                                      
09/09/2009 15:04:46   ANR8336I Verifying label of LTO volume TUE001 in drive    
                       GENDRV_0.0.6 (mt6.0.0.6). (SESSION: 4450, PROCESS: 58)   
09/09/2009 15:05:38   ANR8468I LTO volume TUE001 dismounted from drive          
                       GENDRV_0.0.6 (mt6.0.0.6) in library LTOLIB1.             
                        (SESSION: 4450, PROCESS: 58)                            
09/09/2009 15:05:38   ANR8326I 026: Mount LTO volume MON001 R/W in drive        
                       GENDRV_0.0.6 (mt6.0.0.6) of library LTOLIB1 within 60    
                       minutes. (SESSION: 4450, PROCESS: 58)     

2. After canceling the migration and running it again it kept ask for Mondays 
cartridge (MON001), although it is no different from the others. After putting 
MON001 READ-ONLY it begun to asked for scratch and didn't like TUE001 ? How can 
I convince the tape to accept the cartridge I am giving it ?

Volume Name: MON001
             Storage Pool Name: LTOPOOL1
             Device Class Name: LTOCLASS1
            Estimated Capacity: 381.5 G
       Scaled Capacity Applied: 
                      Pct Util: 11.6
                 Volume Status: Filling
                        Access: Read/Write
        Pct. Reclaimable Space: 0.0
               Scratch Volume?: Yes
               In Error State?: No
      Number of Writable Sides: 1
       Number of Times Mounted: 1
             Write Pass Number: 1
     Approx. Date Last Written: 09/08/2009 14:04:47
        Approx. Date Last Read: 09/08/2009 13:42:13
           Date Became Pending: 
        Number of Write Errors: 0
         Number of Read Errors: 0
               Volume Location: 
Volume is MVS Lanfree Capable : No
Last Update by (administrator): 
         Last Update Date/Time: 09/08/2009 13:40:58
          Begin Reclaim Period: 
            End Reclaim Period: 
  Drive Encryption Key Manager: None

                   Volume Name: TUE001
             Storage Pool Name: LTOPOOL1
             Device Class Name: LTOCLASS1
            Estimated Capacity: 381.5 G
       Scaled Capacity Applied: 
                      Pct Util: 30.9
                 Volume Status: Filling
                        Access: Read/Write
        Pct. Reclaimable Space: 0.0
               Scratch Volume?: Yes
               In Error State?: No
      Number of Writable Sides: 1
       Number of Times Mounted: 1
             Write Pass Number: 1
     Approx. Date Last Written: 09/09/2009 15:04:36
        Approx. Date Last Read: 09/09/2009 14:06:09
           Date Became Pending: 
        Number of Write Errors: 0
         Number of Read Errors: 0
               Volume Location: 
Volume is MVS Lanfree Capable : No
Last Update by (administrator): 
         Last Update Date/Time: 09/09/2009 14:05:47
          Begin Reclaim Period: 
            End Reclaim Period: 
  Drive Encryption Key Manager: None

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ads...@vm.marist.edu] On Behalf Of John 
D. Schneider
Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009 3:39 PM
Subject: Re: Antwort: [ADSM-L] handling mount requests

     I had to set up an environment like this before, and here is what
worked for me.
 1) I didn't use scratch pools. I defined all my tapes into the storage
pool I wanted them in.  That way TSM asks for a specific tape to mount,
and not a scratch tape.  My "tape operator" was a secretary, and I
didn't want her to have to figure out which tapes were scratches.
 2) The disk spool was sized big enough to hold all night's backup data,
so I didn't need to mount a tape until the next morning.
 3) Migration kicked off at 8:00 and asked for a mount of a specific
 4) I created a TSM console window using 'dsmadmc -id=xxxxxx
-password=xxxxxx -mountmode' that started up automatically when the
secretary logged in.  She could minimize it any time she wanted, but
each morning she would look at the window to see what tape needed to be
mounted.  I also asked her to look at it at certain intervals according
to the admin schedule I set up. 
 5) She would mount the tapes according to the prompt.  She didn't need
to reply to anything. 
 6) There were two tape drives, so migrations, backup stgpools, and
reclamations were handled in like fashion. If I kept enough tapes on
hand, reclamations would keep up with demand, and there would be empty
tapes to mount.  I don't remember having to intentionally delete active
data off of tapes.  I don't like designing things that way.

7) I wrote some scripts that would email the secretary the output of 'q
drmedia wherestate=vaultretrieve' so she knew which offsite tapes were
to come back from the 'vault', and 'q drmedia wherestate=vault' so she
could verify which tapes were supposed to be offsite.

I hope this helps.  If you need more details let me know. 
 Best Regards,
 John D. Schneider
 The Computer Coaching Community, LLC
 Office: (314) 635-5424 / Toll Free: (866) 796-9226
 Cell: (314) 750-8721
  -------- Original Message --------
Subject: [ADSM-L] Antwort: [ADSM-L] handling mount requests
From: Ullrich_Mänz <uma...@fum.de>
Date: Fri, September 04, 2009 5:06 am


there are two things that will cause TSM to issue the volume mount 
- the tape inserted in the drive in the evening was already used over 
night by reaching a migration threshold of the primary pool. In that
check for the mountretention parameter on the devclass definition. You
expand that period up to many hours
- the volume inserted in the tape drive is not the volume expected by
TSM server. Because TSM uses a volume as long as there is any space left

you will need to mark the volume as "full" or "unavailable" just after 
finishing the migration process. Or, you should create a storagepool for

each day.
Check the activity log for overnight migration and label readings - as 
far as I remember there must be a massage that states "invalid volume 
label" or something like that. 

I don't understand why you want to delete the backup data on tape. Is 
there a full backup every day? Is really all data kept in the diskpool?
you migrate the data from the disk pool you cannot be sure to get a - 
virtual - backup of your systems copied to tape in the morning. - But
the easiest way is to run a "delete volume xxxxxx discard=yes" before 
overwriting the tape.

Have you thought of using two copypools used alternativly each day or 

Best regards

Ullrich Mänz

FRITZ & MACZIOL Software und Computervertrieb GmbH
Ludwig Str. 180D, 63067 Offenbach, Germany

Amtsgericht Ulm, Handelsregister-Nummer: HRB 1936
Geschäftsführer: Heribert Fritz, Oliver Schallhorn, Frank Haines
Inhaber: Imtech N.V., Gouda, Niederlande
Referenzen finden Sie auf unserer Website, Rubrik 'News'.
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Tuncel Mutlu <tuncel.mu...@akbank.com> 
Gesendet von: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU>
04.09.2009 11:01
Bitte antworten an
"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU>


[ADSM-L] handling mount requests


I have a really (another country) remote TSM server (Windows 2003 x32) 
with 1 x LTO-2 drive. TSM server, client version is I 
have created a disk pool on the TSM server, which I intend to migrate 
every night to the LTO-2 cartridge. For now only 2 clients (the TSM
one of them).

The issue:
- Before they had some other software (CA Arcserve v11.5) and 
they (the stuff onsite) changed the cartridge every morning as they 
arrived (as it was ejected), one cartridge every day of the weekday (and

they take the cartridge home)
- I configured it correct (manual library etc), and it is working 
fine, but when I scheduled a migration job every night it awaits a reply

to mount the cartridge. But the cartridge is already inside ? How can I 
avoid the reply issue ?
- I did assume that expiring precisely that tapes that morning 
every day is difficult and I am thinking of deleting that volume every 
morning ? What do you think ?


Tuncel Mutlu

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