
If you are using EMC storage , you can use EMC BCV technology to take raw
backup of disks afte splitting the BCV disks from production.

On Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 12:40 AM, Richard Rhodes <
rrho...@firstenergycorp.com> wrote:

> We backup lots of db's without RMAN.
> Here are some of the ways:
> 1)  Run an export to disk, then have the ba client backup the export file.
> 2) Run a Oracle Hot backup, where you backup the live files while the db is
> in hot backup mode.  The procedure for a Hot backup is in the Oracle
> manuals.
> 3) Shutdown Oracle and backup the db files.  This is a Cold backup.
> 4) If by "without RMAN" you mean without TDPO/RMAN, than run RMAN backups
> to disk and have the ba client backup the files.
>             Richard
>             Mochnaczewski
>             <Richard.Mochnacz                                          To
>             ew...@standardlif         ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU
>             E.CA <http://e.ca/>>
>            cc
>             Sent by: "ADSM:
>             Dist Stor                                             Subject
>             Manager"                  Re: Can we use TSM for oracle
>             <ads...@vm.marist         database backup without using RMAN
>             .EDU>
>             08/28/2009 01:09
>             PM
>             Please respond to
>             "ADSM: Dist Stor
>                 Manager"
>             <ads...@vm.marist
>                   .EDU>
> Depending on your database requirements and availability, you can also shut
> down the database and backup the flat files ( not an export )  using the
> backup client. We do this if we want to move a database to another server
> relatively quickly . This method only works if your Oracle is using flat
> file and not logical volumes.
> Rich
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ads...@vm.marist.edu]on Behalf Of
> Stephan26
> Sent: Friday, August 28, 2009 1:04 PM
> Subject: [ADSM-L] Can we use TSM for oracle database backup without
> using RMAN
> As mentionned, depending on Oracle, you could just export or dump to flat
> files and backup from there...so you wouldn't need TDP for Oracle...
> You'd have to be careful though.  You would want to do your dump using an
> integrity check so that if any transaction are running while dumping, you
> are not missing any parts.
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Best Regards
Ashish Sharma
ST Microelectronics Ltd.

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