Is there any log in the ISC/AC (ICS 6.01 and AC 5.5) that would show me who logged on from where at a particular time? I have a client (inherited) That has people all using the ADMIN userid and some's been updating schedules and completely mucking up the works. From the activity log I can trace the commands down to user ADMIN coming from the ISC IP address. Now I just need to find out who logged in to that. They all also use the ISCADMIN userid for that..again inherited. If I can find out the IP address of who logged on to the ISC.I'll be 1 more step along the path to find this joker. Maybe the WAS component has a log somethere?
Any help will be greatly I move them to individual userids for both TSM and ISC. Bill Boyer "He who laughs last probably made a back-up." Murphy's law of computing