On Jul 22, 2009, at 7:57 AM, Mehdi Salehi wrote:
Hi, How to get rid of this ANR0826I? I even restarted the TSM server. Still the same error while there is nothing in "q proc".
Have you pursued the possible reasons explained by Hep ANR0826I ? ... User Response: Transaction failure usually indicates that a database deadlock was detected during file space deletion. These deadlock conditions are sometimes encountered when multiple file space deletion processes are running at the same time. No action is required unless the DELETE FILESPACE terminates without completing the deletion process (see message ANR0828). Another possible cause is that the reported node and filespace have a restartable restore session active or restartable. To determine if this was the cause of the failure, issue the command QUERY RESTORE. If the reported node and filespace have an outstanding restartable restore session, either: * wait to re-issue the DELETE FILESPACE command after this restartable restore has completed * cancel the restartable restore session with the CANCEL RESTORE command