Please check space and write permissions in the directory with TSM Client log files (DSM_LOG).
________________________________________ From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [] On Behalf Of John Underdown [] Sent: Sunday, June 28, 2009 4:13 PM To: ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] Disk full error while restoring but there is enough space this is only a guess, but i've seen this error when running a restore with an user account that didn't have write permissions to the volume. >>> admbackup <> 06/28/09 2:30 AM >>> Hi. I am having a problem making a restore in an AIX server. I performed a full backup last week of a fs. Then the data in that fs were deleted This weekend I tried to perform a restore using the data of that full backup in the same fs, in the same server but I got an error message that the disk is full. This is very weird because it is only 18GB and there is more than enough free space (23GB) I have validated that it is not a disk problem or an storage problem. Any idea of what is happening? +---------------------------------------------------------------------- |This was sent by via Backup Central. |Forward SPAM to +---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- NOTICE: This communication is intended only for the person or entity to whom it is addressed and may contain confidential, proprietary, and/or privileged material. Unless you are the intended addressee, any review, reliance, dissemination, distribution, copying or use whatsoever of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you received this in error, please reply immediately and delete the material from all computers. Email sent through the Internet is not secure. Do not use email to send us confidential information such as credit card numbers, PIN numbers, passwords, Social Security Numbers, Account numbers, or other important and confidential information. Please consider the environment before printing this Email. "This email message and any attachments transmitted with it may contain confidential and proprietary information, intended only for the named recipient(s). If you have received this message in error, or if you are not the named recipient(s), please delete this email after notifying the sender immediately. BKME cannot guarantee the integrity of this communication and accepts no liability for any damage caused by this email or its attachments due to viruses, any other defects, interception or unauthorized modification. The information, views, opinions and comments of this message are those of the individual and not necessarily endorsed by BKME."