I'm not at all familiar with Linux at all and am looking for some help
because so far everything I've found so far hasn't helped. Folks here
want me to bring up a TSM Linux environment so I've downloaded device
drivers and TSM software. The device driver readme shows the command to
install the .rpm file but the files on the ftp server are .rpm.bin. I
thought from what I've read that if I ran ./ibmatl.
it would result in a file with only the .rmp but a bash message says
cannot execute binary file. I'm logged in as root and permissions on the
file are 777.


Thanks for the help.


Geoff Gill 
TSM Administrator 
PeopleSoft Sr. Systems Administrator 
(858)826-4062 (office)

(858)412-9883 (blackberry)
Email: geoffrey.l.g...@saic.com 


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