from my understanding you can do the following:
Take a full TSM database backup from the main site on tape.
Take a backup to volhist.out
Take a backup to devconfig.out
Copy both volhist.out and devconfig.out to the same location in the TSM DR site.
issue the following command:
dsmserv restore db devclass=(device class name) vol=(DB tape name) commit=yes
All TSM configurations (Policies, Storage pools, nodes, management
classes, library definition,…etc.) on the main site will be restored
on the DR site including

In the next few days i will start with the above....


On Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 4:23 PM, Daniel
Sparrman<> wrote:
> Hi
> The easiest way would probably to setup your new library and server on the 
> remote site, configure the TSM instance and then export the information from 
> the old server to the new server over a server-to-server connection.
> This is described in the TSM server manual, chapter 22: Exporting and 
> importing data.
> The way you describe is possible aswell, even though I would change it 
> slightly:
> 1. Connect your new library to the old server
> 2. Migrate the information from the old library to the new library (copying 
> the data will only create a copygroup in your new library)
> 3. Make a databasebackup from your old server to the new library
> 4. Transport the new library to the new location and connect it to your new 
> server
> 5. Restore the databasebackup which you took to the new server.
> The last scenario will however have more impact on your existing production 
> environment.
> A database backup / restore scenario (or copying of volumes as you described 
> it) is only a valid scenario if you're changing to a server with the same 
> operating system (Windows > Windows, Linux > Linux). In all other cases, only 
> a export / import scenario will be a valid choice.
> Best Regards
> Daniel Sparrman
> Exist AB
> ________________________________________
> Från: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [] f&#246;r Lars-Erik Öhman 
> []
> Skickat: den 29 januari 2009 12:35
> Ämne: Change library and server
> Is there a paper somewhere that could tell me the best way to move from one 
> server and library to a new server and library?
> Current configuration:
> Windows 2003 x32
> Library IBM 3584 with 3592 drives
> New configuration:
> Windows 2008 x64
> Library IBM 3584 with LTO4 drives
> We are changing location and want to move it all over the WAN. The speed of 
> the WAN wont be an issue at all.
> This is what I´m thinking how to do it.
> Connect the new library to the old server (FC) and backup all the data to the 
> new library. Install the new server and when all the data is in the new 
> library copy dbvol, logvol and storagepool volumes to the new server. Then 
> connect the new library to the new W2K8 server and correct all the devices to 
> match the new server. Right?
> /Larsa
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