Maybe it is too late, but you can use shell-script: #!/bin/sh # dsmadmc -id=<ID> -password=<password> -noconfirm -displaymode=table \ -outfile=/tsm/bin/list_database_backups.log <<EOF 1>/dev/null 2>&1 select hl_name as "Directory name", \ ll_name as "File name ", \ backup_date as "Backup date " \ from backups \ where node_name='<Oracle Node Name>' \ and filespace_name='<DB File Space Name>' \ order by backup_date EOF exit
Grigori G. Solonovitch Senior Technical Architect Information Technology Bank of Kuwait and Middle East Phone: (+965) 2231-2274 Mobile: (+965) 99798073 E-Mail: Please consider the environment before printing this Email -----Original Message----- From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [] On Behalf Of Neil Rasmussen Sent: Thursday, June 04, 2009 6:02 PM To: ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] TSM for Oracle Hi David, >From the TSM Side you can run 'tdposync' utility that is included with the DP Oracle installation. This will run a comparison between the RMAN catalog and TSM Server showing orphaned backups left on the TSM Server. This utility also provides the ability to delete these orphaned backups. Before using this utility, you should really take the opportunity to read the User's Guide and understand the implications of running such utility as the deletions from TSM are final. Regards, Neil Rasmussen Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development IBM Corporation Almaden Research Center 650 Harry Road From: David E Ehresman <> To: ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU Date: 06/04/2009 07:14 AM Subject: Re: TSM for Oracle Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU> I understand that rman CAN automatically delete old backups. As a TSM Admin, I am being asked to verify that rman IS deleting old backups. Is there any way to verify such from the TSM side? David >>> Grigori Solonovitch <> 6/4/2009 1:42 AM >>> I am using RMAN 9i/10g with TSM 5.5 successfully. RMAN manages data expiry for Oracle databases completely without any manual intervention, but some configuration efforts are required: 1) dedicated TSM node for Oracle data with management class and copy group; 2) set vere=no limit, verd=0 rete=<N> ret=0 in copy group, where <N> is a period of time in days to be able to recover database (I am using 31 day); 3) for each database set retention period in RMAN by CONFIGURE RETENTION POLICY TO RECOVERY WINDOW OF <N> DAYS, where <N> equal to <N> in copy group; 4) run full database backup periodically. I am running full database backup twice per month with retention period 31 days. All other days run incremental backup for database; 5) perform " delete noprompt obsolete" from RMAN backup script; 6) schedule at proper time "crosscheck backup" + "delete noprompt expired backup" + "delete noprompt obsolete" daily for each database (just not to delay backups); 7) schedule "crosscheck archivelog all" + "delete noprompt expired archivelog all" daily for each database (just not to delay backups) Grigori G. Solonovitch Senior Technical Architect Information Technology Bank of Kuwait and Middle East Phone: (+965) 2231-2274 Mobile: (+965) 99798073 E-Mail: Please consider the environment before printing this Email -----Original Message----- From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [] On Behalf Of David E Ehresman Sent: Wednesday, June 03, 2009 8:59 PM To: ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU Subject: [ADSM-L] TSM for Oracle Do can a TSM Admin verify that the rman clients are deleting their old TSM for Oracle backups? David Please consider the environment before printing this Email. "This email message and any attachments transmitted with it may contain confidential and proprietary information, intended only for the named recipient(s). If you have received this message in error, or if you are not the named recipient(s), please delete this email after notifying the sender immediately. BKME cannot guarantee the integrity of this communication and accepts no liability for any damage caused by this email or its attachments due to viruses, any other defects, interception or unauthorized modification. The information, views, opinions and comments of this message are those of the individual and not necessarily endorsed by BKME." "This email message and any attachments transmitted with it may contain confidential and proprietary information, intended only for the named recipient(s). If you have received this message in error, or if you are not the named recipient(s), please delete this email after notifying the sender immediately. BKME cannot guarantee the integrity of this communication and accepts no liability for any damage caused by this email or its attachments due to viruses, any other defects, interception or unauthorized modification. The information, views, opinions and comments of this message are those of the individual and not necessarily endorsed by BKME."