Thank you Charles. You save the day !! Strangely it does not like the full word 'CLOPSET' but prefer 'clopt'
tsm: TSMSPAX>update node blashhh CLOPTSET=" " ANR2193E UPDATE NODE: Invalid option set name - . ANS8001I Return code 3. Thanks again, Avy Wong Business Continuity Administrator Mohegan Sun 1 Mohegan Sun Blvd Uncasville, CT 06382 (860)862-8164 (cell) (860)961-6976 "Hart, Charles A" <charles_h...@uhc .COM> To Sent by: "ADSM: ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU Dist Stor cc Manager" <ads...@vm.marist Subject .EDU> Re: [ADSM-L] optionset 05/27/2009 03:27 PM Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ads...@vm.marist .EDU> Upd node blahhh clopt=" " (Space between quites, sometimes no space needed) -----Original Message----- From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [] On Behalf Of Avy Wong Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2009 2:09 PM To: ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU Subject: [ADSM-L] optionset Hello forum, What is the correct syntax to clear the Optionset for a node? I put in 'update node nodename Optionset=" " ' ,that does not work. Right now the node's Optionset: SQLSET, I want this parameter to be blank. Thank you for your help in advance. Avy Wong Business Continuity Administrator Mohegan Sun 1 Mohegan Sun Blvd Uncasville, CT 06382 (860)862-8164 (cell) (860)961-6976 This e-mail, including attachments, may include confidential and/or proprietary information, and may be used only by the person or entity to which it is addressed. If the reader of this e-mail is not the intended recipient or his or her authorized agent, the reader is hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this e-mail is prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify the sender by replying to this message and delete this e-mail immediately.