Have you tried leaving off the filespec altogether, and just using an "
* " in it's place with the pick option?
Also put the "-pick" before the filespec, and see what happens.
(according to my doc, that where it wants to be anyway.).

See Ya'

> -----Original Message-----
> From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ads...@vm.marist.edu] On Behalf
> Of Kauffman, Tom
> Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2009 9:43 AM
> Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] Once again I've a problem on the TSM client side
> with specifying a path for an object
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ads...@vm.marist.edu] On
> > Of Dwight Cook
> > Sent: Monday, April 13, 2009 4:06 PM
> > Subject: Re: Once again I've a problem on the TSM client side with
> > specifying a path for an object
> >
> > I've not used image backups on windows machines but by looking at
> > names,
> > I'm thinking those might be image backups... did you specify
> >
> > If they are regular files, you could use an admin account with full
> > rights,
> > that would show them to you.
> >
> > And you might try adjusting your query object to:
> > \\whq_fileserver_1\x$\TSMIMAGE-WINNT\*
> > (or did your email change what you typed to that funky looking
> > character
> > string that turned up in your email....)
> >
> > Dwight
> We've exhausted our imagination. Everything we try results in 'no
> objects on server match query'.
> delete backup -objtype=image "\\whq_fileserv_1\x$\*" -pick
> delete backup -objtype=image "\\whq_fileserv_1\x$\TSMIMAGE-WINNT\*" -
> pick
> delete backup -objtype=image "x:\*" -pick
> delete backup -objtype=image "x:\TSMIMAGE-WINNT\*" -pick
> delete backup -objtype=image "{\\whq_fileserv_1\x$}\TSMIMAGE-WINNT\*"
> pick
> delete backup -objtype=image "{\\whq_fileserve_1\x$}\*" -pick
> They are image backups, and we need to make them go away. I do not
> the option of deleting the filespace at the server, or I would have
> done it a while back.
> If there's anything I missed above, let me know. I'm about to call TSM
> support on this. It bugs me that I KNOW what the object is called and
> where it came from, and yet we can't figure out the perverted TSM
> syntax to get rid of it.
> Thanks -
> Tom
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