I would think with both library definitions on the same server that you would need to define it as SHARED=YES.
We were in the same situation recently when we were running both 3590 and 3592 in the same 3494. "Lee, Gary D." <g...@bsu.edu> Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU> 03/05/2009 09:16 AM Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU> To ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU cc Subject [ADSM-L] Library question I have a temporary situation to define a 3494 as two separate libraries to move data from 3590 to ts1120. We are not using a library server. TSM 5.4.4 on zlinux sles9. I define the library, path, drivers, and paths, for the ts1120 tapes, and all works. Now I define a library with different scratch and private categories, define the path, put path online, then try to define drives. I then get ANR8444e define drive: library 3590lib unavailable. Testlib was defined first and is the library for ts1120 It is available and working. Definitions follow: ---------------------------------------- tsm: TEST1>q libr testlib f=d Library Name: TESTLIB Library Type: 349X ACS Id: Private Category: 800 Scratch Category: 802 WORM Scratch Category: External Manager: Shared: No LanFree: ObeyMountRetention: Primary Library Manager: WWN: Serial Number: AutoLabel: No Reset Drives: No Last Update by (administrator): GARY Last Update Date/Time: 12/24/2008 10:25:58 tsm: TEST1>q libr 3590lib f=d Library Name: 3590LIB Library Type: 349X ACS Id: Private Category: 700 Scratch Category: 702 WORM Scratch Category: External Manager: Shared: No LanFree: ObeyMountRetention: Primary Library Manager: WWN: Serial Number: AutoLabel: Yes Reset Drives: No Last Update by (administrator): GARY Last Update Date/Time: 03/05/2009 08:11:51 tsm: TEST1> ---------------------------------------- Gary Lee Senior System Programmer Ball State University phone: 765-285-1310