I don't know about mksysb, but you can certainly make bootable TSM for Sysback backups to TSM and use them for AIX bare metal restores via NIM.
David >>> Mehdi Salehi <iranian.aix.supp...@gmail.com> 2/28/2009 10:41 AM >>> Hi experts, I have some questions about Tivoli Storage Manager, Sysback and FastBack. I appreciate your comments on the follwoing items. The goal of the following items is that I am looking for a way to centralized operating system backups in TSM. The ideal is having one tape autoloader which posesses all kinds of backups including files and directories, raw devices, database backups and certainly OS backups. These backups are located in storage pools and cartridges where just TSM knows and can be restoreable automatically on demand. So many expectations? (LOL) Hypotheses: 1- mksysb backup can be managed by TSM 2- If yes, mksysb can be restored from TSM via TCP/IP network (something like NIM mksysb restore) 3- mksysb backup can be managed Sysback+TSM 4- If yes, mksysb can be restored from (sysback+TSM) via TCP/IP network 5- mksysb backup on tape should be manipulated by Sysback or mksysb command with manual intervention (loading and mounting cartdige) 6- what about windows bare machine backup and recovery? Is is possible to integrate Tivoli FastBack into TSM so that OS image goes to TSM storage pools automatically? Can I restore it via network? Thanks so much, Mehdi Salehi