On 27 feb 2009, at 11:49, TSM wrote:


the following situation

tsm server   S (source)    copies (Copypool) over server-to-server
connection all primary data and dbbackup to tsm server   T (target)
between   S   and   T   is only WAN , bandwith is ok for daily incr

now tsm server   S   is replaced by new tsm server   N (new)  , all
data is imported from   S   to   N   by export node(s) over  GBit LAN

the WAN between S, N       and    T    is to slow to copy all data
from N
to T from the beginning.

how to define the target volumes from   S    to new server   N  ?

not, this is impossible. I hope you have some headroom in your wan so
you can play catchup.... (or, pick up N, drive to T, backup stg over
lan, drive back)

with best regards
stefan savoric

Met vriendelijke groeten/Kind regards,

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