I love it when somebody quotes me!  Somebody is listening.

I had this discussion with one of our customers yesterday.  It really 
does/should boil down to the OS experience you have on hand.  Does the AIX 
platform have more capacity/performance than the best Windows platform?  I'm 
guessing it probably does.  But at what cost? And then more importantly: do 
either of the platforms have enough for you?  If both do, then pick the one 
that makes more sense based on your OS experience.  And remember: one can 
always divide and conquer.

Kelly Lipp
STORServer, Inc.
485-B Elkton Drive
Colorado Springs, CO 80907
719-266-8777 x7105

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ads...@vm.marist.edu] On Behalf Of Allen 
S. Rout
Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2009 1:52 PM
Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] Preferred TSM Platform

>> On Wed, 25 Feb 2009 15:57:37 +0100, Henrik Vahlstedt <s...@statoilhydro.com> 
>> said:

> Time to quote Kelly...

> "So to me it's either AIX or Windows (yes, you can do a lot of TSM
> on Windows once you get past the bigotry!).  Choose whichever one
> you have the most experience with."

<gollum> Achhhh!  It BURNS usss, nassssty windowsss.... </gollum>

- Allen S. Rout
- Prefers AIX for this. *koff* :)

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