> Is there any requirement that the 'source' database be fully audited
> before
> the upgrade?  Does the upgrade db catch any 'hidden' problems in the
> V6
> database, or does it just crash and burn?

I have seen issues with my db upgrade but discovered they were there
before the upgrade. I restored my old db and ran commands to fix the
problems and at this time am trying to go through the upgrade again, but
I suspect I will not see these issues now.

I'm not one to speak for IBM but I would "hope" based on what others
have seen that there would be a procedure to minimize any db issues
before running the upgrade especially if the upgrade will not find them.

Geoff Gill 
TSM Administrator 
PeopleSoft Sr. Systems Administrator 
(858)826-4062 (office)
(858)412-9883 (blackberry)
Email: geoffrey.l.g...@saic.com 

[Gill, Geoffrey L.] 

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