On Jan 7, 2009, at 14:53 , Bjørn Nachtwey wrote:

Dear all,

looking at LAST_WRITE_DATE or LAST_READ_DATE of my tapes (some are in
2004), I'd like to move the data of tapes last accessed more than one
year to other tapes in the same storage pool to verify the health of the

Is there any function inside TSM doing this automaticly?


if not, does anyone know / have a tool doing this?

sql selects, move data etc...

my first attemp was to write a shell script extracting the tape's names from the TSM-DB and run a MOVE DATA, but making this nice (e.g. like the
reclamation), it seems to become complex :-(

Second, how often should I move the data? once a year, more or less often?

depends... quality tapes are guaranteed for 10 years when stored under ideal conditions, I'd say that every one to two years makes sense, usually reclamation would have taken care off 99% of your tapes within 2 years, so the workload is fairly minimal...

thanks & best regards,



Met vriendelijke groeten,

Remco Post
+31 6 248 21 622

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