it works now ... rest /1/usr/script/ /usr/script/ -subdir=y -ina -repl=all
Restore processing finished. Total number of objects restored: 834 Total number of objects failed: 0 Total number of bytes transferred: 138.49 KB Data transfer time: 0.00 sec Network data transfer rate: 29,430.09 KB/sec Aggregate data transfer rate: 26.31 KB/sec Elapsed processing time: 00:00:05 rest /2/usr/script/ /usr/script/ -subdir=y -ina -repl=all Restore processing finished. Total number of objects restored: 844 Total number of objects failed: 0 Total number of bytes transferred: 139.74 KB Data transfer time: 0.00 sec Network data transfer rate: 30,651.51 KB/sec Aggregate data transfer rate: 2.83 KB/sec Elapsed processing time: 00:00:49 but still now i dont know why the filesystem /1 and /2 created Thanks On Mon, Dec 29, 2008 at 2:28 PM, Remco Post <> wrote: > dsmc rest /1/usr/scipt/ /usr/script/ -subdir=y -ina -pick -repl=all > > > On 29 dec 2008, at 13:24, Mad Unix wrote: > >> I did .. >> tsm> restore /1/usr/scripts/* -subdir=yes -replace=all -pick >> Restore function invoked. >> >> ANS1395E The destination filespace or drive letter is unavailable. The >> following object was not processed: >> tsm> pace:'/1' >> tsm> >> tsm> restore /1/usr/scripts/* -subdir=yes -replace=all -pick >> Restore function invoked. >> >> ANS1395E The destination filespace or drive letter is unavailable. The >> following object was not processed: >> tsm> pace:'/1' >> tsm> restore /2/usr/scripts/ -subdir=yes -replace=all -pick >> Restore function invoked. >> >> ANS1395E The destination filespace or drive letter is unavailable. The >> following object was not processed: >> tsm> pace:'/2' >> tsm> >> >> >> On Mon, Dec 29, 2008 at 1:53 PM, Christian Svensson >> <> wrote: >>> >>> Hi again, >>> I have done some more testing for you, and I think you will get your >>> answer now. >>> >>> If you also have mount point /1still mounted om your UNIX system you can >>> run following command to do a restore. >>> >>> dsmc>restore /1/usr/scripts/* -subdir=yes -replace=all -pick >>> >>> Can you please drop me an email to confirm if it works or not. >>> >>> Best Regards >>> Christian Svensson >>> >>> Cell: +46-70-325 1577 >>> E-mail: >>> Skype: cristie.christian.svensson >>> ________________________________________ >>> Från: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [] för Mad Unix >>> [] >>> Skickat: den 29 december 2008 12:07 >>> Till: ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU >>> Ämne: Re: SV: SV: ANS1302E >>> >>> sorry for being away .. >>> >>> Computer Results >>> TSM IBM Tivoli Storage Manager >>> TSM Command Line Administrative Interface - Version 5, Release 4, >>> Level 1.0 >>> TSM (c) Copyright by IBM Corporation and other(s) 1990, 2007. All >>> Rights Reserved. >>> TSM >>> TSM Session established with server TSM1_SITEB_SERVER1: Windows >>> TSM Server Version 5, Release 5, Level 0.0 >>> TSM Server date/time: 12/29/2008 12:59:53 Last access: 12/29/2008 >>> 12:56:30 >>> TSM >>> TSM ANS8000I Server command: 'select node_name, filespace_name, >>> hl_name, ll_name, state as Time from backups where node_name='TSMKING' >>> and hl_name='/usr/script/'' >>> TSM >>> TSM NODE_NAME: TSMKING >>> TSM FILESPACE_NAME: /1 >>> TSM HL_NAME: /usr/script/ >>> TSM LL_NAME: messaging >>> TSM TIME: ACTIVE_VERSION >>> TSM >>> TSM NODE_NAME: TSMKING >>> TSM FILESPACE_NAME: /1 >>> TSM HL_NAME: /usr/script/ >>> TSM LL_NAME: web_update >>> TSM TIME: ACTIVE_VERSION >>> TSM >>> TSM NODE_NAME: TSMKING >>> TSM FILESPACE_NAME: /1 >>> TSM HL_NAME: /usr/script/ >>> TSM LL_NAME: web_updatex >>> TSM TIME: ACTIVE_VERSION >>> TSM >>> TSM NODE_NAME: TSMKING >>> TSM FILESPACE_NAME: /1 >>> TSM HL_NAME: /usr/script/ >>> TSM LL_NAME: dsmerror.log >>> TSM TIME: ACTIVE_VERSION >>> TSM >>> TSM NODE_NAME: TSMKING >>> TSM FILESPACE_NAME: /1 >>> TSM HL_NAME: /usr/script/ >>> TSM LL_NAME: >>> TSM TIME: ACTIVE_VERSION >>> TSM >>> TSM NODE_NAME: TSMKING >>> TSM FILESPACE_NAME: /2 >>> TSM HL_NAME: /usr/script/ >>> TSM LL_NAME: messaging >>> TSM TIME: ACTIVE_VERSION >>> TSM >>> TSM NODE_NAME: TSMKING >>> TSM FILESPACE_NAME: /2 >>> TSM HL_NAME: /usr/script/ >>> TSM LL_NAME: web_update >>> TSM TIME: ACTIVE_VERSION >>> TSM >>> TSM NODE_NAME: TSMKING >>> TSM FILESPACE_NAME: /2 >>> TSM HL_NAME: /usr/script/ >>> TSM LL_NAME: web_updatex >>> TSM TIME: ACTIVE_VERSION >>> TSM >>> TSM NODE_NAME: TSMKING >>> TSM FILESPACE_NAME: /2 >>> TSM HL_NAME: /usr/script/ >>> TSM LL_NAME: dsmerror.log >>> TSM TIME: ACTIVE_VERSION >>> TSM >>> TSM NODE_NAME: TSMKING >>> TSM FILESPACE_NAME: /2 >>> TSM HL_NAME: /usr/script/ >>> TSM LL_NAME: >>> TSM TIME: ACTIVE_VERSION >>> TSM >>> TSM >>> TSM ANS8002I Highest return code was 0. >>> TSM >>> TSM Command Prompt for Server1 on TSM >>> >>> Thanks for your help >>> >>> On Sun, Dec 28, 2008 at 2:10 PM, Christian Svensson >>> <> wrote: >>>> >>>> Sorry, >>>> Or run this command instead so we can see if the object is active or not >>>> active version. >>>> >>>> select node_name, filespace_name, hl_name, ll_name, state as Time from >>>> backups where node_name='SERVERNODE' and hl_name='/usr/script' >>>> >>>> Best Regards >>>> Christian Svensson >>>> >>>> Cell: +46-70-325 1577 >>>> E-mail: >>>> Skype: cristie.christian.svensson >>>> ________________________________________ >>>> Från: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [] för Mad Unix >>>> [] >>>> Skickat: den 28 december 2008 07:03 >>>> Till: ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU >>>> Ämne: Re: SV: ANS1302E >>>> >>>> tsm> restore /usr/script -replace=all -subdir=yes -pick >>>> Session established with server TSM1_SITEB_SERVER1: Windows >>>> Server Version 5, Release 5, Level 0.0 >>>> Server date/time: 12/28/2008 08:02:11 Last access: 12/26/2008 08:21:11 >>>> >>>> Restore function invoked. >>>> >>>> ANS1302E No objects on server match query >>>> >>>> >>>> On Sat, Dec 27, 2008 at 2:39 PM, Christian Svensson >>>> <> wrote: >>>>> >>>>> Hi, >>>>> Have you try to use the switch pick to even see what files you can >>>>> restore? >>>>> >>>>> tsm> restore /usr/script -replace=all -subdir=yes -pick >>>>> >>>>> Best Regards >>>>> Christian Svensson >>>>> >>>>> Cell: +46-70-325 1577 >>>>> E-mail: >>>>> Skype: cristie.christian.svensson >>>>> ________________________________________ >>>>> Från: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [] för Mad Unix >>>>> [] >>>>> Skickat: den 26 december 2008 07:22 >>>>> Till: ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU >>>>> Ämne: Re: ANS1302E >>>>> >>>>> the same effect.. >>>>> >>>>> tsm> restore "/var/www/html/*" >>>>> Restore function invoked. >>>>> >>>>> ANS1247I Waiting for files from the server... >>>>> ANS1302E No objects on server match query >>>>> >>>>> tsm> >>>>> tsm> >>>>> tsm> >>>>> tsm> res /usr/script/* -replace=all -sub=yes >>>>> Session established with server TSM1_SITEB_SERVER1: Windows >>>>> Server Version 5, Release 5, Level 0.0 >>>>> Server date/time: 12/26/2008 08:21:05 Last access: 12/24/2008 17:31:28 >>>>> >>>>> Restore function invoked. >>>>> >>>>> ANS1247I Waiting for files from the server... >>>>> ANS1302E No objects on server match query >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> On Wed, Dec 24, 2008 at 5:41 PM, Howard Coles >>>>> <> wrote: >>>>>> >>>>>> Try: >>>>>> res /usr/script/* -replace=all -sub=yes >>>>>> Just to see what happens. >>>>>> >>>>>> I'm assuming the /usr/script filespace (if it's separate) is already >>>>>> available to restore into. >>>>>> >>>>>> See Ya' >>>>>> Howard >>>>>> >>>>>>> -----Original Message----- >>>>>>> From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [] On Behalf >>>>>>> Of Mad Unix >>>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, December 24, 2008 9:04 AM >>>>>>> To: ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU >>>>>>> Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] ANS1302E >>>>>>> >>>>>>> none of them is working .... >>>>>>> >>>>>>> ANS1081E Invalid search file specification '{/usr/script/' entered >>>>>>> tsm> rest {/usr/script/} -replace=all -subdir=yes >>>>>>> Restore function invoked. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> ANS1081E Invalid search file specification '{/usr/script/' entered >>>>>>> tsm> rest {/usr/script}/ >>>>>>> Restore function invoked. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> ANS1084E No files have previously been backed up for '{/usr/script' >>>>>>> tsm> rest {/usr/script/} >>>>>>> Restore function invoked. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> ANS1081E Invalid search file specification '{/usr/script/' entered >>>>>>> tsm> rest {/usr/script}/ >>>>>>> Restore function invoked. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> ANS1084E No files have previously been backed up for '{/usr/script' >>>>>>> tsm> 'rest {/usr/script}/ ' >>>>>>> ANS1141W Unknown command - 'rest >>>>>>> tsm> rest {/usr/script}/ >>>>>>> Restore function invoked. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> ANS1084E No files have previously been backed up for '{/usr/script' >>>>>>> tsm> rest /usr/script}/ >>>>>>> Restore function invoked. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> ANS1247I Waiting for files from the server... >>>>>>> ANS1302E No objects on server match query >>>>>>> >>>>>>> tsm> rest /usr/script/ >>>>>>> Restore function invoked. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> ANS1247I Waiting for files from the server... >>>>>>> ANS1302E No objects on server match query >>>>>>> >>>>>>> tsm> rest {/usr/scrip/} >>>>>>> Restore function invoked. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> ANS1081E Invalid search file specification '{/usr/scrip/' entered >>>>>>> tsm> ANS2820E An interrupt has occurred. The current operation will >>>>>>> end >>>>>>> and the >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Thanks >>>>>>> On Tue, Dec 23, 2008 at 6:06 PM, TSM User <> wrote: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> First thought: are you logged into the Linux server as a user with >>>>>>> >>>>>>> rights >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> over the file--i.e. either the owner or root? You'll need to be in >>>>>>> >>>>>>> order >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> for TSM to show you the files or restore them. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Second thought: Is /usr/script a separate filesystem than /usr? If >>>>>>> >>>>>>> so, try >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> 'rest {/usr/script}/ ' etc., to distinguish it from the other. TSM >>>>>>> >>>>>>> could be >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> looking down the wrong path. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> On Tue, Dec 23, 2008 at 10:40 AM, Mad Unix <> >>>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Am getting into this issue when i try to restore my data on Linux >>>>>>> >>>>>>> server >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> RHEL5 >>>>>>>>> r...@king Tue Dec 23 /usr/script $ dsmc >>>>>>>>> IBM Tivoli Storage Manager >>>>>>>>> Command Line Backup/Archive Client Interface >>>>>>>>> Client Version 5, Release 4, Level 0.0 >>>>>>>>> Client date/time: 12/23/2008 17:46:49 >>>>>>>>> (c) Copyright by IBM Corporation and other(s) 1990, 2007. All >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Rights >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Reserved. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Node Name: TSMKING >>>>>>>>> Please enter your user id <TSMKING>: tsmking >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Please enter password for user id "TSMKING": >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Session established with server TSM1_SITEB_SERVER1: Windows >>>>>>>>> Server Version 5, Release 5, Level 0.0 >>>>>>>>> Server date/time: 12/23/2008 16:52:19 Last access: 12/23/2008 >>>>>>> >>>>>>> 16:49:23 >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> tsm> rest /usr/script/ -replace=all -subdir=yes -ina -pick >>>>>>>>> Restore function invoked. >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> ANS1302E No objects on server match query >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> tsm> quit >>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>> >>>> >>> > > -- > > Remco Post > > +31 6 24821 622 >