
Here is the "q inclexcl" output for one of the nodes. 
The node is still attempting to backup the "/.../oradata/.../*.dbf"
What is wrong with the inclexcl and how to stop /.../oradata/.../*.dbf
from being backed up?

tsm> q inclexcl
Mode Function  Pattern (match from top down)  Source File
---- --------- ------------------------------ -----------------
Excl Filespace /mnt                           Server
Excl Filespace /dba                           Server
Excl Filespace /app/clarity                   Server
Excl Filespace /efs/dist                      Server
Excl Filespace /.efs/dist                     Server
Excl Filespace /mlextras                      Server
Excl Filespace /boot                          Server
Excl Filespace /dev/vx                        Server
Excl Filespace /dev/shm                       Server
Excl Filespace /var                           Server
Excl Filespace /                              Server
Excl Filespace /unix/*                        Server
Excl Filespace /proc/                         Server
Excl Filespace /dev/fd                        Server
Excl Filespace /dev/vx/*                      Server
No exclude directory statements defined.
Include All       /abcd-xy1/apps/.../*           Server
Include All       /abcd-xy1/oraundo/.../*        Server
Include All       /abcd-xy1/oratemp/.../*        Server
Include All       /abcd-xy1/orasys03/.../*       Server
Include All       /abcd-xy1/orasys02/.../*       Server
Include All       /abcd-xy1/orasys01/.../*       Server
Include All       /abcd-xy1/orabackups/.../*     Server
Include All       /abcd-xy1/oraarch/.../*        Server
Include All       /abcd-xy1/ora06/.../*          Server
Include All       /abcd-xy1/ora05/.../*          Server
Include All       /abcd-xy1/ora04/.../*          Server
Include All       /abcd-xy1/ora03/.../*          Server
Include All       /abcd-xy1/ora02/.../*          Server
Include All       /abcd-xy1/ora01/.../*          Server
Include All       /.../*listener*.log            Server
Exclude All       /.../oradata/.../*.ctl         Server
Exclude All       /.../oradata/.../*.log         Server
Exclude All       /.../oradata/.../*.dbf         Server
Exclude All       /tmp/.../*                     Server
Exclude All       /.../core                      Server
Include All       /.../tivoli/tsm/client/oracle/.../*opt Server
Include All       /.../tivoli/tsm/client/oracle/.../*log Server
Include All       /.../*dsm.sys                  Server
Include All       /.../*dsmwebcl.log             Server
Include All       /.../*dsmerror.log             Server
Include All       /.../*dsm.opt                  Server
Include All       /.../*dsmsched.log             Server
No DFS include/exclude statements defined.


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