    I have a server that I can't install the TSM client on because the
vendor who owns it won't permit it.   One alternative seemed to be to
share the directory that must be backed up, and acces that share from
another server to back it up explicitely as an object.   We created a
share on that server that we can access from another server.
    I can log in to the other server, bring up the TSM line mode client,
and back it up with:
dsmc inc \\\archive2\ -subdir=yes
And that backs up fine.  But when I build a schedule with the
\\\archive2\ <file://>  as the
object, it fails.  The dsmsched.log is below.  Does anyone know the
scheduler won't backup a filesystem that the linemode client backs up
12/04/2008 13:00:11 --- SCHEDULEREC QUERY BEGIN
12/04/2008 13:00:11 --- SCHEDULEREC QUERY END
12/04/2008 13:00:11 Next operation scheduled:
12/04/2008 13:00:11
12/04/2008 13:00:11 Schedule Name:         EXCELLERA_ARCHIVE2
12/04/2008 13:00:11 Action:                Incremental
12/04/2008 13:00:11 Objects:               \\\archive2\
12/04/2008 13:00:11 Options:               -subdir=yes
12/04/2008 13:00:11 Server Window Start:   13:00:00 on 12/04/2008
12/04/2008 13:00:11
12/04/2008 13:00:11 
Executing scheduled command now.
12/04/2008 13:00:00
12/04/2008 13:00:11 Incremental backup of volume
12/04/2008 13:00:13 ANS1228E Sending of object
'\\\archive2\*' failed
12/04/2008 13:00:13 ANS1063E The specified path is not a valid file
system or logical volume name.
12/04/2008 13:00:13 --- SCHEDULEREC STATUS BEGIN
12/04/2008 13:00:00
12/04/2008 13:00:13 ANS1512E Scheduled event 'EXCELLERA_ARCHIVE2'
failed.  Return code = 12.
12/04/2008 13:00:13 Sending results for scheduled event
12/04/2008 13:00:13 Results sent to server for scheduled event

Best Regards,

John D. Schneider 

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