>> On Mon, 17 Nov 2008 15:35:49 -0500, Paul Zarnowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> At 02:38 PM 11/17/2008, Wanda Prather wrote:
>> No reason I know of you can't have an auto script that does update vol *
>> wherestgpool=copypool access=offsite every day before you start your
>> reclaims.

> Seems like if I did this, all the output would have to go to newly
> allocated scratch tapes.

Right, so you'd need to set them back to local in time for the next
day's traffic.  That's why I said "Micromanage". :)

> No tapes in filling status would be used.
> I could only update the full volumes, I suppose, but are there cases
> where filling tapes can be reclaimed?


- Allen S. Rout

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