Set resourceutilization in the client's configuration to twice the
number of streams you want to run.  If anything is likely to go directly
to a sequential stgpool, set your maxnummp for the node definition to at
least the number of streams you want to run (make sure you aren't going
to hurt other clients more than you're willing to).
I'd recommend that you set up the journaling daemon too.  It takes a
tiny bit of system resource, but in doing so, it spreads out the process
of scanning the system from all at once during the backup, to just
monitoring the changes as they're made (after your first full backup).

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Joni Moyer
Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2008 9:20 AM
Subject: [ADSM-L] Several simultaneous backups of an AIX client

Hello everyone,

I have a situation with an AIX TSM client which is at the
on a TSM server which is on AIX and is at  The client has 18
million files to inspect when doing a daily incremental backup that
at 9PM and as you can see below took almost 11 hours.  As you can guess
this just isn't acceptable to run for this long period of time.  Does
anyone have any suggestions on what could be done in order to get this
server backed up incrementally in a quicker fashion?  Any suggestions
greatly appreciated!

10/23/08 07:59:24     ANE4952I (Session: 40206, Node: CHRS141)  Total
number of
                       objects inspected: 18,540,895(SESSION: 40206)
10/23/08 07:59:24     ANE4954I (Session: 40206, Node: CHRS141)  Total
number of
                       objects backed up:  225,018(SESSION: 40206)
10/23/08 07:59:24     ANE4958I (Session: 40206, Node: CHRS141)  Total
number of
                       objects updated:          0(SESSION: 40206)
10/23/08 07:59:24     ANE4960I (Session: 40206, Node: CHRS141)  Total
number of
                       objects rebound:          0(SESSION: 40206)
10/23/08 07:59:24     ANE4957I (Session: 40206, Node: CHRS141)  Total
number of
                       objects deleted:          0(SESSION: 40206)
10/23/08 07:59:24     ANE4970I (Session: 40206, Node: CHRS141)  Total
number of
                       objects expired:      3,376(SESSION: 40206)
10/23/08 07:59:24     ANE4959I (Session: 40206, Node: CHRS141)  Total
number of
                       objects failed:           0(SESSION: 40206)
10/23/08 07:59:24     ANE4961I (Session: 40206, Node: CHRS141)  Total
number of
                       bytes transferred: 25.57 GB(SESSION: 40206)
10/23/08 07:59:24     ANE4963I (Session: 40206, Node: CHRS141)  Data
                       time:                31,313.02 sec(SESSION:

10/23/08 07:59:24     ANE4966I (Session: 40206, Node: CHRS141)  Network
                       transfer rate:          856.53 KB/sec(SESSION:
10/23/08 07:59:24     ANE4967I (Session: 40206, Node: CHRS141)
                       transfer rate:        685.82 KB/sec(SESSION:

10/23/08 07:59:24     ANE4968I (Session: 40206, Node: CHRS141)  Objects
                       compressed by:                    0%(SESSION:
10/23/08 07:59:24     ANE4964I (Session: 40206, Node: CHRS141)  Elapsed
                       processing time:            10:51:47(SESSION:

                     Node Name: CHRS141
                      Platform: AIX
               Client OS Level: 5.3
                Client Version: Version 5, release 5, level 0.6
            Policy Domain Name: AIX
         Last Access Date/Time: 10/23/08 10:55:10
        Days Since Last Access: <1
        Password Set Date/Time: 08/24/04 12:55:29
       Days Since Password Set: 1,521
         Invalid Sign-on Count: 0
                       Locked?: No
                       Contact: Open Systems
                   Compression: No
       Archive Delete Allowed?: Yes
        Backup Delete Allowed?: Yes
        Registration Date/Time: 08/24/04 12:55:29
     Registering Administrator: LIDZR8V
Last Communication Method Used: Tcp/Ip
   Bytes Received Last Session: 241.55 M
       Bytes Sent Last Session: 3,157
      Duration of Last Session: 10.16
   Pct. Idle Wait Last Session: 5.16
  Pct. Comm. Wait Last Session: 47.67
  Pct. Media Wait Last Session: 0.00
                           URL: http://chrs141:1581
                     Node Type: Client
    Password Expiration Period:
             Keep Mount Point?: No
  Maximum Mount Points Allowed: 4

Joni Moyer
Storage Systems, Storage Mngt Analyst III
Phone Number: (717)302-9966
Fax: (717) 302-9826

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