The doc for IMPORT NODE claims that MERGEFILESPACES cannot be used
unless you're doing a server2server import. This seemed to be a
distinct bummer for me, so I decided the doc was wrong and to try it
anyway using a media EXPORT and IMPORT. No complaints, it seemed like
it merged the filespaces OK. Is the doc wrong, or am I crazy, and when
did this change?

Linux TSM server, version 5.5.0


09/24/2008 15:16:35  ANR0636I IMPORT NODE: Processing file space /boot for node
                      ERASERHEAD as file space /boo1. (PROCESS: 42)

the existing filespace /boot is renamed as I expected.

with MERGEFILESPACES (not supposed to work):

09/24/2008 15:18:51  ANR2017I Administrator ERASERHEAD issued command: IMPORT
                      NODE eraserhead filedata=all
                      devclass=FILE mergefilespaces=yes

09/24/2008 15:18:51  ANR0636I IMPORT NODE: Processing file space /boot for node
                      ERASERHEAD as file space /boot. (PROCESS: 44)

No rename! This I like, but I'm a little nervous.

Stephen Stackwick
Jacob & Sundstrom, Inc.
401 East Pratt St., Suite 2214
Baltimore, MD 21202-3003
(410) 539-1135 * (866) 539-1135

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