It's late and it's long ago, but I seem to remember something about
these mount point and resourceutil things in the line of:

Resource 4, # mountpoint
- 1 admin session
- 1 mountpoint for diskpools
- 2 mountpoint max for tape mounts

So in you case, going directly to tape, you will get a max of 3
mountpoints (because there is no diskpool) to tape. 

Regards/Met vriendelijke groet,


-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Schneider, John
Sent: woensdag 10 september 2008 18:27
Subject: Re: How does VCB backups handle resource utilization?

        But resourceutilization is 4 now.  It should give me fewer mount
points, not more.  So why I am overrunning the client's maximum mount
points of 2 when resourceutilization is 4?
        The reason I can't just increase the client's maximum mount
points until the message goes away is that there is a maximum of 64
virtual tape drives, so I can't have every client grabbing 4 virtual
tapes drives at once.  There is also no reason to have all these small
clients mounting multiple tape drives at once, since most of them don't
have much data or take long to back up.
        I also just have this concept in my head that TSM is designed
according to logical rules, and works as designed.  So if it is not
behaving the way I think it will, perhaps I don't understand the rules
properly, and I need to fix my understanding.

Best Regards,

John D. Schneider
Phone: 314-364-3150
Cell: 314-750-8721

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Howard Coles
Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2008 10:39 AM
Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] How does VCB backups handle resource utilization?

Either increase the maximum allowed mountpoints or put a line in the
client DSM.OPT along the lines of resourceutilization 5 (5 works well
with 2 mountpoints allowed)

See Ya'

> -----Original Message-----
> From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
> Of Schneider, John
> Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2008 10:35 AM
> Subject: [ADSM-L] How does VCB backups handle resource utilization?
> Greetings,
>     We are running TSM server on AIX 5.3ML5.  The Lan-free VCB

> proxy is running TSM client
>     We are getting an unexpected result with our VMWare Consolidated 
> Backups.  We are just starting to run these in volume, and we are 
> getting frequent messages:
> 09/10/08 00:02:06     ANR0539W Transaction failed for session 4448 for
> node
>                        EPCEMI11. This node has exceeded its maximum 
> number of
>                        mount points. (SESSION: 4448)
> 09/10/08 00:02:06     ANR0539W Transaction failed for session 4449 for
> node
>                        EPCSTL11. This node has exceeded its maximum 
> number of
>                        mount points. (SESSION: 4449)
> 09/10/08 00:02:07     ANR0539W Transaction failed for session 4439 for
> node
>                        EPCSGF01RO. This node has exceeded its maximum 
> number of
>                        mount points. (SESSION: 4439)
> 09/10/08 00:02:07     ANR0539W Transaction failed for session 4444 for
> node
>                        EPCSGF01RO. This node has exceeded its maximum 
> number of
>                        mount points. (SESSION: 4444)
> The destination storage pool is a virtual tape library, which is why 
> mount points are involved.
> In the Lan-free proxy server running VCB, the Resourceutilization is 
> set to 4, and the maximum mount points is 8.  On the proxy clients 
> themselves, I understand they inherit the Resourceutilization of the 
> proxy server, so they would be 4 also.  Their maximum mount points is 
> set to 2.  When Resourceutilization is 4, aren't the maximum mount
> points of 2 enough?   According to the Performance Tuning Guide,
> Resourceutilization of 4 should not allow more than one mounted tape.
> We aren't getting the error for all clients, just a fraction of them.
> So maybe it is only happening for larger clients where the
> Resourceutilization algorithm to mount another tape kicks in?   We
> could
> always just jack the maximum mount points for the clients up and up 
> until the problem goes away, but I don't understand why the client is 
> trying to mount more than 2 tapes with Resourceutilization set to 4.
> Best Regards,
> John D. Schneider
> Lead Systems Administrator - Storage
> Sisters of Mercy Health Systems
> 3637 South Geyer Road
> St. Louis, MO  63127
> Phone: 314-364-3150
> Cell: 314-750-8721
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