
Volume is already checked in on the library manager and has the correct
owner ship? (just to confirm).
What about performing an "audit library" on the client?
Doing this audit on the library client will sync its status about
volumes in use with the library manager thus freeing this already
deleted volume. If all goes well that is.



-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Welton, Charles
Sent: dinsdag 9 september 2008 21:25
Subject: Library Master/Client Not In Sync

In our environment, we have nine separate TSM instances all running
server version on AIX 5.3.  One of the nine TSM instances acts
as our library master.  Well... this last weekend, we were having issues
with our library master and to resolve the issue, it needed to be
restarted.  At the same time the library master was down, one of the
other TSM instances was doing a "MOVE DRMEDIA 101198L4 TOST=COURIERR
W=Y".  So because the library master was down, it never got the message
that the client had deleted 101198L4.  We tried to checkin this tape but
received the following:
09/07/08 21:59:41     ANR8443E CHECKIN LIBVOLUME: Volume 101198L4 in
                       SUN2079 cannot be assigned a status of SCRATCH.
                       58661, PROCESS: 34)
According to the library master, this tape is not a scratch volume.  In
a attempt to resolve the issue, we were attempting to perform the
following steps:
# 1: checkin libv sun2079 101198L4 status=private checklabel=no    -- on
library master
# 2: define volume sun2079-pool1 101198L4 access=readw              --
on client
# 3: then delete the volume from the storagepool
-- on client
When we did # 1 on the library master, it automatically assigned
ownership to the client in question.  We then attempted to do # 2... but
received the following:
09/08/08 16:50:31     ANR2400E DEFINE VOLUME: Volume 101198L4 is already
                       in a storage pool or has been used previously to
                       export, database dump, or database backup
                       (SESSION: 319073)
At this point... we are stuck.  Has anyone ever ran into a similar
situation and resolved it?  Any suggestions?
Thank you...
Charles Welton
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