Hello all,

We have a Windows 2003 client that failing with the following message in
the client error.log. Has anyone had this problem
with a Windows Client?

'NOGICIANP2\SystemState\NULL\System State\SystemState' failed with error
code: 4353.
08/14/2008 00:16:43 ANS1228E Sending of object
'NOGICIANP2\SystemState\NULL\System State\SystemState' failed
08/14/2008 00:16:43 ANS5258E An error occurred initializing a VSS
request. For more information, see the TSM client error log.

08/14/2008 00:16:43 ANS1375E The snapshot operation failed.

08/14/2008 00:16:43 ANS5258E An error occurred initializing a VSS
request. For more information, see the TSM client error log.

08/14/2008 00:16:43 ANS1512E Scheduled event 'MIDNIGHT' failed.  Return
code = 12.
08/14/2008 10:06:00 ANS1959W Removing previous incomplete group '\System
State\0\SystemState' Id:0-836409676
08/14/2008 10:06:00 ANS2054E Operating system error 13: ????????d.
08/14/2008 10:06:00 ANS5250E An unexpected error was encountered.
  TSM function name : verifyLocalBackups()
  TSM function      : Unable to lock local repository
  TSM return code   : 101
  TSM file          : vssback.cpp (6353)
08/14/2008 10:06:00 ANS5250E An unexpected error was encountered.
  TSM function name : verifyLocalBackups()
  TSM function      : Verifying Local Backups Failed!
  TSM return code   : 101
  TSM file          : vssback.cpp (5725)
08/14/2008 10:06:02 VssRequestor::checkWriterStatus:
VssRequestor::checkWriterStatus() failed with
08/14/2008 10:06:02 ANS5269E The Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Services
writer 'Cluster Service Writer' current state (VSS_WS_STABLE) is not
valid for the current operation or cannot be determined.  The last error
reported is '800423f4'.


When I ran a Manual backup of the "System State" and recieved the following

Ans5258e - And error occured Initializing a VSS request
Ans1375E - The snapshot operation failed

TSM Server
Aix 5.3
Windows 2003 sp1 Client/TSM Client

Thanks for any help, comments, suggestions in advance!

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