On Aug 6, 2008, at 20:01 , Gill, Geoffrey L. wrote:

We have a server that is backing up data using an entry in the dsm.opt
file, DOMAIN \\xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx\shares1
<file:///\\xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx\shares1> . Does anyone know if it is
to use journaling from the server backing these up? I haven't found
anything but want to make sure others haven't either.

journaling uses the windows file change notification service (or
whatever they call it), so in order to be able to journal the fs, you
must be able to recheive those from the fileserver. That can only be
done locally.

so, you must run the client on the fileserver. I guess you're using
cifs shares because the fileserver is a blackbox. If you're lucky you
could use ndmp. If not, normal incrementals are the only way.


Geoff Gill
TSM Administrator
PeopleSoft Sr. Systems Administrator
(858)826-4062 (office)

(858)412-9883 (blackberry)

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  • journaling Gill, Geoffrey L.
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